February 4, 2009

Dual Boot with Vista and XP

I'm running a dual boot system with both Windows Vista and Windows XP. I would like the default setting to be Vista, but I can't figure out how to do that. Can you please help?

Well, as a matter of fact, I can! This question is perfect for anyone out there who is running a dual boot setup on their computer. Now, I'm talking about a dual boot between Windows Vista and Windows XP. If that's buying cialis the setup you have, are you having trouble getting the Vista operating system to come up as your default system? Maybe you want to learn how to use Windows Vista, but you want to keep XP around too, just in case you run into some problems with Vista, etc.

If that sounds like your situation, make sure you keep reading to find out how you can easily change your default settings to be exactly the way you want them!

To do so, just follow these quick instructions:

1.) With your Windows Vista operating system turned on, right click on the Computer icon on your desktop and choose Properties.

2.) Click on Advanced System Settings.

3.) Next, under the Startup and Recovery section, click on the Settings button.

4.) Finally, select the operating system you want to be your default (in this case, Microsoft Windows Vista).

That's all there is to it! Now, you could use the bcdedit command from the command line to do the same thing, but trust me, this way is much easier. Once you have the operating system of your choice selected, just hit OK and you'll be all set!

You can then shut down your computer and restart it. Your new default operating system should start right up for you and you can then go back to happy computer land. Give it a try today!

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