Paypal is a online banking service which allows you to receive, send, withdraw money from over 190 countries. In case something goes wrong with your account,
Paypal doesn’t have a instant online support care to answer your queries which is a setback for lots of people who have their account limited due to a violation in terms of transaction of money. So it is recommended to contact Paypal customer care support immediately for confirming your account problem.
Usually if the problem with your paypal account is not complicated then you can expect them to reply to you with ae e-mail within 24–48 hours. You can contact Paypal support using this link or directly get in touch canada online pharmacy viagra with their support service at
Paypal customer service seems to be mostlylazy fellows who don’t reply to your e-mails and send a automated e-mail reply. If your paypal account is limited or you need your account to be restored then to get these tasks accomplished, make a phone call to the paypal support phone number. Contact Paypal customer service by making a phone call to their USA number but you need to have a lot of time in your hands as they tend to ignore/waste your time by telling you to “hold on” for sometime.
After a lot of search for this,I found the paypal phone number +1-888-221-1161 which you can use this through SKYPE so that you can call for free without wasting money on US calls. This is the best way to explain the representative and fax or scan the things they ask you for instant uplift from the account limitation!
Just found another Paypal Customer Support telephone number +1-402-935-2050. Hope this helps all the Paypal users who were finding it difficult for direct contact
So, tell me, are you an avid eBay user? Perhaps you do a lot of buying on eBay or maybe you just like to sell. Either way, eBay is a very popular organization and one of the things that makes it so likeable is its feedback system. Whether you're a buyer or seller, you can always leave feedback about your experience with eBay, which also leaves some guidelines for future buyers and sellers to follow. However, all of that will be changing within the next few months, so you might as well prepare yourself now. Keep reading for all the juicy details!
Up until now, eBay buyers and sellers were able to publicly voice their opinions about each other, whether it was good or bad. For example, if you bought something from a seller and they didn't ship it to you in a timely manner, you could let everyone know about it through your feedback. Or, if you sold something to a buyer and they didn't pay you on time, you could leave negative feedback about them as well. But, starting in May 2008, sellers will no longer be able to leave negative feedback about their buyers under any circumstance whatsoever. Buyers, on the other hand, will be able to post poor feedback about their sellers with no consequence.
Now, although this change may seem a little unfair to the sellers, it really does go both ways. For instance, sellers who charge too much for shipping or who send out broken items will be revealed, which will help cut down on sneaky business tactics. On the other hand, honest sellers will now have to deal with picky buyers who call them out on every little mistake they make. But, in time, all of that will help eBay to become a more honest and secure Web site. It may take some time, but the new feedback cheapest generic viagra system will help clean up eBay and make it a better place to do business. It's still going to be the same ol' eBay, but now it will be ten times better!