March 31, 2008

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Adobe Photoshop Express finally arrives

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Adobe Photoshop Express finally arrives After more than a year of anticipation, Adobe Systems will finally roll out Photoshop Express, a Web-based application for editing, organizing, and sharing images. The application, which runs in Flash-enabled browsers, is free and an account includes 2GB of storage.


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Quicker Custom Toolbars

If you use MS Office 2000 through 2003, you're in for a real toolbar treat today!

Have you ever noticed the little down arrow at the end of the displayed toolbars?


Well, take a look! They're sitting right there, plain as day. Plus, they have the ability to bring some customizations down to a couple of clicks. Let's check it out!

Click on one of the arrows.

What do you see?

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Add or Remove Buttons?

Yep, that's what I see too! If you have a newer Office Suite version, you'll also see an option for showing toolbar buttons in one row, but it's the Add or Remove Buttons option we need.

(Note: If you also have arrows to the right, you may see more. The right arrows are letting you know there are more buttons on the toolbar, but there's not enough room to display them all. So, along with the Add or Remove Buttons option, you'll find the rest of the toolbar).

Click the Add or Remove Buttons button. (Yeah, I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's what they called it!)

Now, you should be seeing a list of all the possible buttons for the toolbar. (Again, newer versions are slightly different. Here you wouldn't see the button choices immediately. Instead, you have to choose between seeing the toolbar button list or going into customization. Select the name of the toolbar you're working with and you'll eventually get to the list you see below).

The items checked are already displayed and any items not checked are available to be displayed.

Go through the list, selecting and deselecting as you wish, with just a click of the mouse button. When you're finished, just click back into your file and the list will close.

So, what are you left with? Well, it's probably the fastest customized toolbar you've ever created!

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March 29, 2008

Phone Number Comments

I can’t begin to tell you how frustrated generic viagra pharmacy I am! There is a number that calls my house several times a day and when I pick up, there is never anyone there. If I let it ring through to my answering machine, they never leave a message either. It is beyond annoying! So, I went on a hunt to find out who it is and to see if anyone else is having the same problem. That's when I found this Web site!

Here's how it works: If you receive a call from a phone number that comes up as unavailable, you can come here and search for some information about it.

There are some calls coming from these sorts of numbers that are trying to scam you for your personal information. Many of them are fake debt collectors as well. Several of the companies who are running these scams are also breaking the rules that debt collection companies have to follow, such as calling after restricted hours. Click here and you will find a .PDF document of the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act). That way, you will know what guidelines they are supposed to follow and who is disobeying them.

You can also check out the most recent additions to the site by looking through the Latest Additions section, located below the search engine. If you do a search and nothing comes up for the number you're looking for, you can also file a report of your experience with that number here. Just fill out the form that comes up, leave your commentary and then press the Submit button.

Remember, you can never be too careful with your personal information. It pays to double check these types of things and this Web site can help you do just that!

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March 27, 2008

Excel – The AutoSum with More

I'm sure you're all aware of MS Excel's handy little AutoSum button and the way it will quickly insert the formula to sum up any range of data you happen to have lying around, right? But, wouldn't it be nice if you could get it to do a little more than sums, without a lot of extra work?

Good idea! Fortunately for all of us, AutoSum can be used for more than just sums.

Interested? Yeah, I thought you might be!

The key to getting more from your AutoSum is to notice the little down arrow just to the right of the button.

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Go ahead and give it a click.

You should find that a list of common functions becomes available, allowing you to use the button for more than just sums!

As usual, to get this to work for you, simply select a cell either below or to the right of your data range.

Next, click the down arrow on the AutoSum button and choose a function from the list.

Instantly, Excel creates the requested formula using the most obvious data range relative to the selected cell.

If you accept the data range selected by Excel, simply hit the Enter key.

If you need to adjust the data range for the formula, you can use the Shift key in combination with the arrow keys to enlarge or shrink the selection size.

If you're looking to simply move the data range without adjusting its size, you can use your mouse. Slowly run the mouse pointer over the dotted rectangle until it becomes a four-way arrow. Next, click, hold and drag the selection to the correct location on the worksheet and then release the mouse button.

There you have it. Who knew you had an AutoSum button with such talent?!

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