July 25, 2011

Trillian – version 5

Click here to download Trillian v5.x!

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February 20, 2010

Skype on Verizon!

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February 13, 2009

Skype growing by 380,000 users a day?

By Justin Mann, TechSpot.com
Published: February 12, 2009, 2:50 PM EST

If you ever had any doubts about the increasing popularity of VoIP, the most recent information coming out of Skype will dispel them. The company's user base is growing very rapidly, with an estimated 380,000 new users signing up every cialis order single day. Those numbers are astounding, almost unreal – I'm skeptical myself as to how accurate that is. If they really are getting more than a third of a million new customers every day, it's unlikely they can carry that momentum for long, but nevertheless it demonstrates that the company is doing very well with them sitting on a user base that is 405 million strong.

There's no detailed usage statistics along with those numbers other than the company’s claims that nearly a third of its registered subscribers now use Skype for business purposes. The increasing number of PDAs and other devices that have Skype clients is helping them, and the service itself is now representing around 8% of the international calls made worldwide.

Skype just recently introduced version 4.0 of their Windows client, which brought with it an interface revamp and improved video quality. The new client has great improvements to usability, which should help them get and retain those mass amounts of customers.

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September 30, 2008


I use AIM quite a bit to talk to my family and friends, but lately, I've been worrying more and more about my privacy. Are my instant message conversations kept private or am I putting myself at risk? Please explain!

Oh, I'm so glad you asked! I know a lot of WorldStart's readers use AIM (AOL's instant messaging program) and some of you may even use other IM programs, such as Yahoo! or ICQ, as well. All of those programs are free of charge, which groups them all into the same category. The topic of privacy when using chat programs was never really an issue until recently, which is why I'm so glad you brought this up. It's something I probably should have covered a long time ago, but hopefully I'll make up for lost time today. Let's check this one out!

For the most part today, I'm going to focus on AIM, because it's more widely used and well known. Awhile back, this statement was discovered in AOL's terms of service: "AOL has the right to read, and even publish publicly, your private IM conversations." It then goes on to say, "You waive any right to privacy." So, what does all that mean exactly? Well, it basically means that when you decide to use the AIM chat program, AOL has the right to use any of your conversations as they see fit at any time. That's a bit scary, don't you think?!

Now, whether or not AOL publishes your conversation obviously depends on the content of your discussion. If you're just chatting with a friend about what time you're going to go to the movies on Saturday night, they're not going to make that public knowledge. Or, if you're just talking to your daughter about what you're going to get your grandson for his birthday, they're not going to share that information with the world. On the other hand, if you're using AIM for business purposes, that could be a whole different story.

If you're using AIM to discuss private business matters, AOL could easily publish your conversation for the entire online world to see. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that could put you and your company at great risk. So, if you're ever going to discuss something you don't want anyone else to know about, don't use a free instant messaging program like AIM. For that kind of thing, you'll want to use a secure business class IM solution or simply use your company e-mail account. That way, you won't take the chance of your private information being leaked out all over the Web.

Yes, all of this does seem a bit unfair, but AOL has to do what they have to do. They're allowed to create their own privacy policy with propecia use their own terms, so you should always keep that in mind and abide by it. You need to take the right steps to keep yourself safe as well. This is just something to think about. I hope I've opened your eyes to a whole new side of the IM community. Take it for what it's worth!

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May 24, 2008

Disable Windows Messenger on a Windows XP machine

Date: April 23rd, 2008

Author: Greg Shultz

If you’re using MSN Messenger as your chat and videoconferencing tool, you may never use Windows Messenger anymore and have removed it from the startup group to keep it out of your way. However, you may have seen it pop up on occasion and had to struggle with closing it down. The reason that Windows Messenger makes these impromptu appearances is that Outlook, Outlook Express and even some Microsoft Web pages can still make it load automatically. Fortunately, where can i buy viagra online you can banish Windows Messenger from your desktop by making an alteration to the local group policy with the Group Policy Editor. Here’s how:

  1. Access the Run dialog box by pressing [Windows][R]
  2. In the Open text box type Gpedit.msc and click OK to launch the Group Policy Editor.
  3. Go to Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | Windows Messenger.
  4. Double-click the Do Not Allow Windows Messenger To Be Run setting.
  5. In the resulting dialog box, select the Enabled option, and click OK
  6. Close the Group Policy Editor.

Note: This tip applies only to Windows XP Professional.

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