January 28, 2008

Resetting Your XP Password

We are all pretty lucky when we forget our password on an online Web service, wouldn't you agree? I mean, if you ever forget your password, almost all Web sites can e-mail it to you or they allow you to reset it by answering a security question. But what if you forget your password for Windows XP? It's happened to the best of us and when it does, you may think there's no way to recover it. Well, I'm happy to tell you there is a way and what is cialis used for that's what I'm going to show you today! You know, just in case it ever happens to you. Here we go!

1.) If you ever forget your password for Windows XP, you need to start your computer in Safe Mode. To do that, reboot your computer and as soon as you see your manufacturer's logo pop up, repeatedly hit the F8 key on your keyboard.

2.) Soon after, you will see this menu:

Make sure the Safe Mode option is highlighted and press Enter.

3.) When the log in screen appears, log in to your Administrator account.

4.) A dialogue box will then appear, notifying you that your computer is running in Safe Mode. Just select Yes for this one.

You may also notice that your resolution is a little distorted.

If so, that's okay. It will go back to normal after you reboot again.

5.) Next, select File, Control Panel. Then double click on the User Accounts icon, which looks like this:

6.) All of the accounts on your computer will be displayed. Go ahead and select the account you would like to remove the password from.

7.) After that, select the link.

8.) Finally, if you'd like to add a new password, you can select the link. But be sure to write this one down in a safe place, so you don't have to go through this again!

I hope you enjoy this one. It can be a real timesaver if you ever forget your Windows XP password!

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