December 29, 2009

Netflix Streaming Video – What’s it all about?

Netflix Streaming Video – What’s It All About?

Netflix Streaming Video – What’s it all about?

by: Bryan Lambert – December 06, 2009

But what if you could create your own computing cloud?If you’re a high speed internet user, then no doubt you’ve seen the explosion of ways that you are able to instantly watch movies and television programs legally on your computer. In fact, it may have already changed the way you have traditionally thought about getting entertainment into your home. In this week's Tech Tip we’ll look at Netflix’s “Watch Instantly” streaming video and see what it is all about. No doubt with this new digital landscape, you may be looking at that monthly cable bill and wondering if you could pare it back a bit – or maybe that big collection of DVDs taking up space in the entertainment center and thinking you could sell a few off. Whether it’s the Hulus of the world, the neighborhood Redbox rental kiosk in your supermarket or your Netflix subscription that is responsible for the change; you can see that change is coming. It’s now easier than ever to get the entertainment you want, when you want it and on your terms.

Watch Instantly

Instant Viewing – Streaming with a Twist

If you are not a Netflix subscriber or maybe have tried them out in the past (let’s face it, they do advertise incessantly and they give away A LOT of free trial subscriptions) you may think of them just as “that place that mails you DVDs.” But if you are a current subscriber or have heard any media reports in the last year and a half, then you know that Netflix has also introduced a service called “Watch Instantly.” With Netflix’s Watch Instantly feature you actually have access to a big chunk of the titles (about 17,000 of the 100,000) that they offer that you can instantly stream to your desktop PC or notebook computer; bonus if you have a nice large computer monitor! Even if you subscribe to their most basic unlimited plan (one DVD mailed out to you at a time) then along with the DVD subscription you also have right to unlimited streaming video – with no commercials and no trailers at no extra charge.

ready devices

But Netflix did one better – they added a twist – because not only can you watch the streaming videos on your PC, but if you have a Netflix Ready Device, you can watch it directly on your TV with no PC needed (you still need Internet). True, if your PC has an HDMI port out, you can just plug that into most TVs and watch the streaming videos that way – but with a Netflix Ready Device, you don’t have the hassle of carting your laptop over, getting it all ready (being sure that the HDMI audio out is set; being sure that you set your power management to NOT put the computer to sleep when generic viagra pharmacy you close the lid, etc.) You just plug it in and go. You can easily queue up programs and movies to watch instantly like you would DVD rentals and watch them on your schedule. Also, because the viewing is unlimited, you can watch the video again and again as well and stop, fast forward, rewind, etc.

So, what exactly is a Netflix Ready Device?

Netflix ready device

Well, an Xbox 360 is a Netflix Ready Device and as of November, 2009 a PlayStation 3 is one as well (as of now, you’ll need to get a free disc from Netflix to set up the PlayStation 3). Also many Blu-Ray players, TiVo DVRs, some HDTVs and even devices made specifically for this purpose (such as the Roku digital video player) are available to use as Netflix Streaming Devices. Netflix is not sitting on their laurels either – they have big plans to expand this service even further – as they say, stay tuned for details (a current, complete list of Netflix Ready Devices can be found on the Netflix website).

There are some drawbacks to the Watch Instantly program however. One big one is that not all studios have signed onboard (which is why not all titles are available) as they feel that this may eat into the video rental and video purchasing side of things. Also, most new releases are usually not available for some time and, as with most streaming technology, the video quality may be lacking (though many of the titles are very good quality – if you’re looking for Hi-Def then you still need Blu-Ray). Obviously, you also do not own the video, so if you cancel your subscription you no longer have access to the media (since it is streaming and not available for copying and storing). In addition to this, the devices that are Netflix Streaming Devices will have an up-front cost of purchasing them as well (which is why some may just opt for the cheap laptop with a HDMI cable option). But even with these drawbacks, the Netflix Watch Instantly service is hard to beat.


In Conclusion

The way we watch movies, like many other things in the digital age, has changed rapidly and continues to morph. These changes are often for the better however, giving the consumer more choice, greater flexibility and more power in an ever changing landscape. Netflix Watch Instantly video streaming service is just one of many exciting new services available to the consumer to bring the digital fun home.

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