February 4, 2009

Find and Run Robot

Many people out there would say that Windows XP's search feature isn't anything to be desired. And I would have to agree. Also, many people would say it's hard to find a program via your All Programs menu. I would also agree with that statement.

Well, all of those difficulties can be solved with a free download called the Find and Run Robot. Its little box allows you to quickly type what you're looking buy cialis generic for and simply click to launch! For example, I installed the Find and Run Robot and then typed in "Windows Update." The Robot found the Windows Update application the moment I stopped typing. I clicked on it and had my system updated immediately!

If you have a lot of stuff on your computer, you should try the Find and Run Robot. It's easy to install and very easy to use. You can download the Find and Run Robot for yourself right here. Enjoy!

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Organizing the Calendar List in Outlook 2007

Do you use multiple calendars in MS Outlook 2007?

Do you have quite a list of them?

Do you get frustrated as you look through the list, trying to locate the one calendar you need?

You might try to display them all, but let's face it, you can only display so many at one time and still be able to see what's going on.

So, now what?

Well, if your list of calendars is long and "out of order," this might be just the thing you need!

No, we aren't going to combine them or delete any of them. We're going to look at ways to arrange them.

First, you can have Outlook quickly alphabetize them with just a couple clicks.

  • Right click on the "My Calendars" section title.

  • Now, choose Arrange by Name.

Presto! The calendars are in an alphabetical list.

The second way to arrange them is manually. That would allow you to place those you use most often toward the top of the list in an order that makes sense to you.

  • To accomplish a manual move, right click on an actual calendar name.

  • From the menu that pops open, choose either "Move Up in List" or "Move Down in List," depending on which way you want it to go.

  • Keep doing that until everything is in the order you buy cialis doctor online prefer.

Either way, you can still keep separate calendars for different reasons and still make it efficient to switch between them!

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Confusing Words

There are a lot of confusing words out there! For example, affect, effect, affluent, effluent, their, they’re and there.

I often have trouble using affect and effect correctly. So much trouble that I often double or triple check to make sure I have the right one. But now, I have a really easy resource I can use to check them out!

On the Confusing Words Web site, you can check out tons of different words. Just type in the word you're unsure about and click Find.

As an example, I looked up affect. Not only does it give the definition for affect, but it gives the definition for effect as well. It also shows examples of how each are used, making it easier for you to see the difference. Also, in the Notes section, it gives you a way of remembering the difference between them. How cool is that?!

I buy cialis brand think this is an amazing resource and I hope you enjoy it too!


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Characteristics of a Good Photographer

A photograph conveys what a thousand words cannot. But to achieve that, there are a few qualities a photographer needs to possess in order to capture a Kodak moment. Let's check them out!

Go Outdoors

To bring the outside inside, you need to go out and explore the great outdoors. That means travel far and near! It could be your neighborhood marketplace or a nearby park. Or, it could be going out and exploring on one of your vacations. Either way, you need to step out of your normal routine and check out the unknown.

Be Curious

Curiosity can result in great pictures! There’s no virtue as fulfilling as that, because if you're curious, photography doesn’t become a chore. Instead, it's a joyful experience. Also, when it’s all work and all play, you'll end up with a far greater output than a less curious photographer who's doing it only for the money and recognition. Also, curious people see things around them with renewed interest, as if they're seeing it for the first time. You need to perceive things without your mind being in a hurry. That's the main secret! Great photos may come, but being curious itself is greatly enjoyable. Remember, the voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes, but in gaining new eyes.

Make Mistakes

Know no fear! It's okay to mess up a photo by trying out all kinds of exposures, angles, subjects and moods. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The way to take great photographs is to take a lot of them. Learn from the mistakes of others, but don’t be afraid to make your own as well. Some photographers have a weekly ritual of taking approximately 50 photos a day and reviewing them over the weekend. Many have reported that their photography techniques have improved and their level of quality has gone up. It could be their ability to understand light and manipulate the aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Or, it could be their creativity that has reached a new high. It could also just be their constant exposure to photography and its elements. Therefore, the lesson here is shoot, shoot, shoot!

Be in Control

I don't mean that in a negative sense. I'm talking about keeping an eye on everything that makes up a good photo every time you're out with your camera. That buy cialis 10mg could mean changing the ISO, aperture value, shutter speed, light, etc. Shooting becomes more fun when you control the settings. That's also when you become more creative. When you can control the settings, you can control anything for a good photo. With control comes your own style. Be brave enough to do something crazy. Shoot what impresses you and you'll impress others!

See Things Differently

A good photographer is one who notices things others are oblivious to. The best way to testify to that is to go through interesting photos on the Flickr Web site every other day. One of the things you'll notice is that most photos are of ordinary subjects, but are taken in an extraordinary manner; be it lighting, angle, contrast, background, foreground, focal length and so on. For example, sometimes a building that appears ordinary by day might end up looking spectacular by night.

Be Different

Great photographers don’t do different things, they just do things differently. So, try and be different in everything you do. Stay away from monotonous angles, subjects and backgrounds. Step out of your comfort zone and push the envelope of creativity to break new ground. Know the rules, but also set out to break them. Just be different!

View and Review

It’s always good to be pals with other photographers taking similar shots. That way, you get to learn from their mistakes and even solve some of the problems you're facing in your photography. Swap ideas, give each other tips and share the lessons you learn. Once a sense of sharing develops between you and other photographers, you'll end up becoming a better photographer through viewing and reviewing.

Resort to Lateral Thinking

Put disconnected ideas together and see where your creativity takes you! Just place random ideas together and find new solutions to problems. Do that regularly and you'll never be short of ideas.

Be Playful

Some of the best photos come about when you're just fooling around with your camera with no agenda whatsoever. Therefore, the key is to play with new angles, with different shooting distances, with shooting from different perspectives and so on. A playful approach to life could very well take your photography to a new level.

Be Patient

Many of us feel happy when we take many photographs, no matter how bad they are. And to achieve that, we end up racing against time and shortening our life cycle. Instead, a better bet would be to give time a break and just relax. Just watch the world go by with no intention of shooting scores of images. At one time or another, you'll end up capturing a Kodak moment. Just wait it out and enjoy life at the same time!

Happy photographing!

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MS Word – Removing the Logo

So, a couple weeks ago, I wrote a tip about putting a logo on your envelopes. Specifically, you learned how to add a logo, graphic or text that would appear on all of your MS Word envelopes.

Unfortunately, I didn't address how to undo them, should you change your mind.

First, if you don't want something on a single envelope, you should be able to select it and simply delete it.

Now, for the subject, we really need to address permanently removing the information from your Word envelopes.

Basically, you need to remove the EnvelopeExtra1 AutoText/Quick Parts entry.

If you're using Word 2007, you need to remove a Quick Parts entry.

  • To branded cialis drugstore do that, you need the Insert tab on the ribbon, Quick Parts button, Building Blocks Organizer choice.

  • From the list, locate EnvelopeExtra1, select it and then click on the Delete button.

  • If you need to, click on the title of the Name column and Word will sort the entries alphabetically. Besides scrolling through the really long list, you can use the E key repeatedly to cycle through all the entries that begin with an "e."

  • After you click on the Delete button, Word will ask you to confirm your decision.

  • Click on the Close button to return to your document.

Now, for those of you with older versions of Word, you need to remove the AutoText entry.
  • Start with the Insert menu, AutoText submenu, AutoText choice (at the very top).

  • That should open the AutoCorrect dialogue window, already on the AutoText tab.

  • In the "Enter AutoText entries here" field, put in EnvelopeExtra1. That should bring it up without you having to scroll through the long list.

  • Once you can see it in the list, select it and then click on the Delete button.

  • Click OK to leave the AutoCorrect dialogue window.

Voila! Any new envelope will start out completely blank. It's just like you never had an EnvelopeExtra1

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