February 18, 2009

Student suicide threat over RIAA bullying tactics

February 16th, 2009

Posted by Zack Whittaker

After checking Twitter a few moments ago, I was shocked, horrified and appalled at the news that a student from Chicago threatened suicide over the forceful, bullying tactics of major media corporations.

I didn’t think my 200th post on ZDNet would result in me saying this.

I have a fairly controversial opinion when it comes to software piracy, and sharing music and other multimedia online. But considering hundreds of millions of people share and download music every day, the chances of being struck by one of these lawsuits is en par with winning the cialis professional tadalafil lottery or being killed in a nasty milk float accident.

The Recording Industry Association of America (”RIAA” hereon in) with the assistance of other major corporations, including EMI, Warner, Sony BMG, has reported to be bullying students and “innocent people” in a series of attacks in regards to music piracy. Whilst some may say sharing a music file with another person is like walking into a shop and stealing the CD, I would whole-heartedly disagree.

I don’t know a huge amount about the legalities, nor do I understand US law or even the politics too much, so I’ll give this the best go I can. Many of my links direct back here, so please do check out the sourced article.

Thomas Perrelli is the “main guy” who shut down Internet radio by helping to mastermind massive fees imposed on companies such as Pandora.com. Also we have Donald Verrilli, who was one of the main people involved in the attempts of Viacom suing YouTube.

These two men, Perrelli and Verrilli, don’t have a very positive opinion in the online world.

Long story short, according to p2pnet:

“I eventually had a long telephone conversation with girl I mentioned earlier, the one who was threatening to kill herself, and she said she, too, would write something about her experiences. But she changed her mind after her parents agreed to bail her out.

She wouldn’t tell me the price, but she said she now hoped she’d be able to get back to her studies and on with her life.”

There is then the story of Brittany Kruger, who could never be considered a pirate of any kind, shared some music with a few of her friends. This led to the RIAA instigating a lawsuit against her, and described as “being hung out to dry by the labels, with the RIAA fronting for them.”

Her full story can be found a quarter way down the page in blue.

In both my honest, professional opinion, as both a journalist and a student, these vicious, thoughtless, bullying tactics need to stop. Yes I’m sure to some extent this post may not make sense, and you’re probably looking for a point. There is my point, America, because students should not be victims of media giants who take advantage of the law.

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Feed Revolution

Do you have a hard time keeping track of when your favorite musicians release new music? I know I do! I can’t keep track of who's releasing a new CD and when. I love to support my favorite artists by buying their music, but since I like so many different artists, it all gets jumbled up in my brain!

But no more! With Feed Revolution, you can keep track of all your favorite musicians and get an e-mail when they release something new. It's really easy to sign up for as well!

Just type in the names of artists or bands you like. (Note: If you have a last.fm username, you can import artists from your playlists there). Next, enter in the e-mail address you’ll want the alerts sent to. Then click on the button to sign up!

While you'll be auto-logged in, you’ll need to click on the link you receive in your e-mail to activate the e-mail feed. As soon as you activate your e-mail feed, you'll start getting e-mails whenever one of your favorite musicians has a new release!

Once you’re logged in, you’ll be on the New Releases page. That's where you can monitor on the Web page what's coming out each month. There's also an Add Artists page, where you can add artists to your list of artists to watch.

If you aren’t logged in and you go to the New Releases page, you can browse through all of the new releases for the month. I thought that was pretty cool! There are 22 pages of new releases for the cialis professional online month of February, so be sure to check it out today!


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Care For Your CDs

How often do you use CDs? Maybe you use a software CD every day or you listen to music CDs all the time. Whatever you may use a CD for, it's very important to take good care of them so they can perform at their best.

As you know, CDs are very fragile and they need to be handled with extreme care, or they could cialis professional generic instantly get dirty, get scratched or snap in half. You should only hold CDs by the outer edges or by the center hole with one finger.

To clean off any smudges, take a clean, soft and lint free cloth and wipe the backside surface of the CD. Start wiping from the center, moving outwards and wipe across the disc instead of in circles. Going in a circular motion can cause minor scratches, which will ruin the data on the CD.

If a simple once over doesn't do the job, you can use a slightly damp cloth to wipe over the CD again. You should always keep your CDs away from dust, liquids, household cleaners or any other corrosive products.

You should also try to keep your CD players clean by dusting them every so often. Always try to keep your CDs in their protective cases to try and combat any problems. CDs are a big part of the world today and if you use them often, you should do all you can to keep them safe and clean. Of course, this tip can also be used for DVDs.

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On the Side

Do you use the miniature slides in MS PowerPoint for navigation purposes?

I don't know about you, but I love them! I can quickly scroll through a long presentation, locate the slide I need to edit, select its miniature version and zoom! I'm there in an instant.

There's no scrolling slide by slide to find what I need. Nope, the miniature slides are just big enough to go right where I want, with a single click of the mouse.

In my opinion, transferring that idea elsewhere would be an awesome thing!

Also, along that train of thought, I'd like to talk about MS Word 2007's thumbnails.


Yes, thumbnails!

If you check the Thumbnails checkbox under the View tab on the ribbon, you'll find that something similar to the PowerPoint miniatures appears on the left hand side of your program window.

While it's not exactly like PowerPoint's slide miniatures (you can't duplicate pages or rearrange them the way you do with slides), it's a quick and easy way to navigate through a long document, without being forced to guess where something is located.

Also, while the pages are small, I can definitely see uses for laying out your documents. The thumbnails are updated as you work, so you can see the effect any insertion or deletion has on the overall appearance of several pages in the document at once, without the Print Preview feature or a whole lot of scrolling between pages.

So, there you have it. It's what I consider to be one of the fastest document navigation techniques available!

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Make a Point

What do I mean by the word point? Well, in this case, I'm referring to a system restore point. And yes, you should make one! I know we have covered this before in our newsletter, but I've been getting several e-mails about it lately and besides that, it's just a very important topic. I figured now would be a good time to go over it again. So, if you've never done this before, come with me and learn!

cialis prices align=”justify”>First of all, I want to make sure everyone understands what we're working with here. Both Windows XP and Windows Vista have a feature called the System Restore. What it does is revert your computer back to a previous time; back before you made a big mistake on your computer or before you installed a program that messed a lot of things up, etc. It's sort of like an easy button you can push to get your computer back to the way it was beforehand. So, to do that, go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Restore. (Read here for all the Vista instructions).

Now, XP does automatically create restore points for some situations, but it's best to make them yourself as well. Check the button next to "Create a restore point" and then click Next. Then you just need to type in a description for your point. It could be anything from an installation to an update and so on. Just use a few common words so that your computer can recognize it. When you're done, click Create and you'll be all set. The date and time will be added to your restore point, so your computer will have all the information it needs to get your computer back to normal. You can't complain about that, now can you?!

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