June 9, 2008

Safe Browsing

I always say you shouldn't go to Web sites you don't trust, but what if you're not sure if you can trust a certain site or not? What do you do then? This type of problem is pretty common and in the past, it has left me wondering what to do. Well, today, I have a very easy answer to that question!

The answer is a service by Google called Google Safe Browsing Diagnostic. With this tool, you can type a Web address into your browser's address bar and get a report from Google, telling you whether the site is safe or not.

Here's how you do it:

First, you will need this address: http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=www.worldstart.com

The address above is what you can use to get a report. If you copy the exact address from above and paste it into your Web browser, you will get a report about www.worldstart.com that looks like this:

Pretty neat, huh?! Now, that's great for seeing a report about WorldStart, but you already know we're safe, so what about a report for another Web site?

To see a report about any other site, simply use the exact same address as above, but change the end of it. See the part at the end that says “www.worldstart.com?” Just erase that and type in any other Web address. For example, if you changed it to: http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=www.aol.com, you would get a report for AOL's safety rating.

The Google Safe Browsing Diagnostic is very nice to use for checking a Web site before you visit it. If you want, you can bookmark it and use it whenever you need it. Until next best price propecia time, stay safe out there, my friends!

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