April 3, 2009
Special Printing in IE 7
As I'm sure you know, the headers and footers that always print along with a Web page can be rather irritating. I know very well which page I'm printing, so it's not useful to me to show the URL at the bottom of every printed page. So, if you'd like to turn the headers and footers off when you print out certain Web pages in Internet Explorer 7, here's how you can do it!
Simply go to the Print Preview window and then click on the button that says "Turn headers and footers on or off," as shown below:
If you want to permanently turn those options off, go to the Page Setup option instead.
Just click on Page Setup and then look for this dialogue window:
You can remove the text in the text boxes in order to get rid of the headers and footers completely or you can change the options to display page numbers at the bottom. The choice is yours!
Here's a full list of the options you can use:
&w – Window Title
&u – Page URL
&d – Date in Short Format
&D – Date in Long Format
&t – Time in Regular Format as Shown on the Clock
&T – Time in 24-hour Format
&p – Current Page Number
&P – Total Number of Pages
&b – Right Align the Next Text
&b[TEXT]&b – If you surround the text in &b on either side, it will center the text.
&& – A Single Ampersand (&).
You can combine those options in any format you want. For instance, you could do this:
I printed these &P pages on &d buy viagra without prescription at &t
That would give you something like this:
I printed these 23 pages on 3/10/2009 at 2:05am.
There you go!