August 20, 2008
What is DSL?
I know this probably seems very basic, but what is DSL?
No, that's an excellent question! I'm sure you're not the only one who has been wondering about that. Everyone else was probably too scared to ask, so I'm really glad you did. We here at WorldStart have done a few tips on DSL before, but we've never really given you a definition. So, if you're curious about what DSL really is, you've come to the right place. Here's a brief explanation just for you!
DSL stands for digital subscriber line and it's basically a type of broadband Internet access that is simply carried over propecia liver enzymes a regular phone line. DSL delivers a high-speed service and it's high on the list when compared to other broadband providers. The only common feature between DSL and dial-up is that DSL also requires its own modem, but you still cannot get a DSL signal from a conventional dial-up modem.
DSL works with unused frequencies to make a direct link from the provider to the subscriber (you!) It has been around for over two decades and it's just now becoming one of the more popular Internet access points. If you're interested in getting DSL for your home, check your local phonebook for providers. If you have any questions, give them a call and they should be able to answer all of them for you.
So, the only question that remains is: "Are you a DSL user?!"