November 24, 2008

Free Commander keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Command How useful(?)
F3 or Shft+F3 View selected file +       –
F4 Shft+F4 Edit selected file Create and edit a file +       –
F5 Copy selected files and folders +       –
F6 Move selected files and folder +       –
F8 or Del Delete selected files and folders +       –
Shft+Ctrl+F8 Wipe selected files and folders +       –
F2 Rename selected object +       –
Ctrl+Alt+V Compare files (see 'Settings') +       –
N/A Change case (lower / upper) of the selected files +       –
Alt+F5 Compress selected files +       –
Alt+F6 Uncompress selected archive +       –
Shft+Ctrl+I Split selected files into multiple files +       –
Alt+Enter Display properties of selected objects +       –
Shft+Enter Change date and attributes of selected object +       –
Shft+F10 Show context menu +       –
Alt+F7 Search for files / folders +       –
Alt+F4 Exit program and save settings +       –
Ctrl+X The selected folders and files will be moved into the clipboard +       –
Ctrl+C The selected folders and files will be copied into the clipboard +       –
Ctrl+V The folders and files from the clipboard will be inserted into the folder of the current window. +       –
Ctrl+A Select all files and folders in the current window +       –
+(Num) Select some of the files and folders in the current window. +       –
Alt++(Num) Select all files with the same extension in the current window. +       –
*(Num) Invert the selection in the current window +       –
Ctrl+*(Num) Invert the selection in the current window – only files +       –
Ctrl+-(Num) Deselect all files and folders in the current window +       –
-(Num) Deselect some files and folders in the current window +       –
Alt+-(Num) Deselect all files with the same extension in the current window +       –
Alt+Ins Copy the full path and file name into the clipboard +       –
Shft+Alt+Ins Copy file names into the clipboard +       –
Ctrl+Alt+Ins Copy the full path of the current window into the clipboard +       –

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Alt+F1 Change drive in the left window +       –
Alt+F2 Change drive in the right window +       –
Shft+A,…,Shft+Z Change drive in current window to drive A: .. Z: +       –
Press and hold Ctrl and click on a drive in the drive bar Change to the root folder of the drive in the current window +       –
F7 Create new folder in current folder +       –
Shft+F7 Find folder in tree view +       –
Alt+G Go to folder +       –
Ctrl+F Alt+Scroll-Down Define a filter to hide/show a distinct group of files Display filter popup menu +       –
Alt+F9 Detail view: show size of subfolder +       –
Ctrl+F9 Detail view: show size of selected folder +       –
Alt+Down Show history of last 20 selected folders +       –
Ctrl+F3 Sort the files and folders in current window by name +       –
Ctrl+F4 Sort the files and folders in current window by type +       –
Shft+Ctrl+F4 Sort the files and folders in current window by extension +       –
Ctrl+F5 Sort the files and folders in current window by time +       –
Ctrl+F6 Sort the files and folders in current window by size +       –
Shft+Ctrl+F Define folder favorites +       –
Shft+Ctrl+1,…, Shft+Ctrl+0 The first 10 folder favorites Show popup menu for folder favorites +       –
Alt+Up Show popup menu for folder favorites +       –
Alt+V Compare files from active and inactive window +       –
Alt+S Synchronize folders +       –
BkSp Go one folder up +       –
Ctrl+Pos1 Go back to the root folder +       –
Alt+Left History – back +       –
Alt+Right History – next +       –
Ctrl+Y Go to quick filter field +       –
Alt+Y Deactivate quick filter +       –
Ctrl+F1 Change view in current window to: list +       –
Ctrl+F2 Change view in current window to: file details +       –
Ctrl+I Change view in current window to: thumbnails +       –
Ctrl+H Split horizontal +       –
Alt+T Show tree view for current window +       –
Ctrl+Shft+F1 Hide left window +       –
Ctrl+Shft+F2 Equalize size for left and right window +       –
Ctrl+Shft+F3 Hide right window +       –
Ctrl+R Refresh current window +       –
Ctrl+Shft+R Refresh all +       –
Ctrl+U Toggle windows +       –
Ctrl+E Same folder in both windows +       –
Ctrl+S Show only selected files +       –
Shft+Esc Minimize FreeCommander Window +       –
Ctrl+Alt++ Autoresize columns +       –
Shft+F1 Popup menu for views +       –
Ctrl+Q Quick view on/off +       –
Ctrl+T New folder TAB +       –
Ctrl+W Close folder TAB +       –
Shft+Ctrl+W Close all folder TABs +       –
Shft+Ctrl+S Settings +       –
Click with right mouse key into the status line Quickly change settings +       –
Ctrl+Y Define layouts +       –
Alt+1,…,Alt+0 Access the first 10 layouts +       –
Shft+Ctrl+Y Define program favorites +       –
Ctrl+1,…,Ctrl+0 Access the first 10 program favorites +       –
Ctrl+D Open DOS window +       –
F11 Connect network drive +       –
F12 Disconnect network drive +       –
DOS Prompt
Ctrl+Shft+Spacebar Toggle between command line and current window +       –
Ctrl+Spacebar Insert name of the current folder in the command line +       –
Ctrl+Enter Insert name of the selected file or folder in the command line +       –
Shft+Ctrl+Enter Insert path and name of the selected file or folder in the command line +       –
Ctrl+Up Go up in the list of command from the history +       –
Ctrl+Down Go down in the list of commands from the history +       –
Alt+Down Show list of commands from the history +       –
Enter or Alt+Enter Execute the command in the command line +       –
Ctrl+Left, Ctrl+Right Jump left / right in the command line +       –

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November 19, 2008

Microsoft Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts

Summary: Find your way around Microsoft Outlook with these keyboard shortcut keys.

Outlook is Microsoft's mail, diary and contacts program supplied with Microsoft Office or as a standalone product. If you don't have the exact version of a particular program then it may well be, that some or all of the shortcuts for a

particular program can still be used with different versions of the same program.

General Outlook shortcuts


Shortcut Key

Send Message

Ctrl + Enter or Alt + S

Reformat an email message from RTF to plain text

Ctrl + Shift + O

Delete Message from message window

Ctrl + D

New Contact Dialog

Ctrl + Shift + C

New Office Document

Ctrl + Shift + H

Read Warning Header

Ctrl + Insert + W

To Save Non-Email Item in Current Folder

Alt + S

Cancel the current operation

Escape Key

Move up current level of treeview

Up Arrow

Move down current level of treeview

Down Arrow

Collapse current branch of treeview

Left Arrow

Expand current branch of treeview

Right Arrow

Launch go to folder dialog

Ctrl + Y

Save unfinished item in Drafts folder

Ctrl + S

Move selected item to Deleted Items folder

Delete Key

Open print dialog box

Ctrl + P

To delete current item

Ctrl + D

Mark as unread or read

Ctrl + Q

Select all

Ctrl + A

Copy highlighted items/text to clipboard

Ctrl + C

Cut highlighted items/text to clipboard

Ctrl + X

Paste items/text from clipboard

Ctrl + V

Open application menu (to maximise, minimise etc)

Alt + Spacebar

Create new item

Ctrl + N


Ctrl + Z

Move cursor to top of email list


Move cursor to end of email list


Move edit cursor to top in new email message window

Ctrl + Home

Move edit cursor to end in new email message window

Ctrl + End

Check Names

Ctrl + K

Move cursor to Menu Bar

Alt + or F10

Launch Advanced Find

Ctrl + Shift + F or F3

Move to next Window pane


Launch spell checker


Move directly to Inbox

Ctrl + Shift + I

Move directly to Outbox

Ctrl + Shift + O

Copy selected item(s) to a folder

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Create new folder dialog

Ctrl + Shift + E

Move selected item to folder

Ctrl + Shift + V

Create a new email message

Ctrl + Shift + M

Create a new appointment item

Ctrl + Shift + A

Create a new contact item

Ctrl + Shift + C

Create a new task item

Ctrl + Shift + K

Create a new note item

Ctrl + Shift + N

Message options (from a new message window)

Alt + P

Open address book

Ctrl + Shift + B

Launch flag for follow up dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + G

Reply to sender

Ctrl + R

Reply to all

Ctrl + Shift + R

Forward message

Ctrl + F

In calendar week view


Shortcut Key

Go to today’s date

Alt + D

Go to a date

Ctrl + G

Move to next date

Down Arrow

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Up Arrow

Move forward one week

Page Down

Move backwards one week

Page Up

Move to appointments on current date

Tab (hit enter twice to open item)

Main Jaws keystrokes in Outlook


Shortcut Key

Say Line

Insert + Up Arrow

Say All

Insert + Down Arrow

Say Selected Text

Insert + Shift + Down Arrow

Move focus to attachments list

Insert + A

In spellchecker read misspelled word and suggestion

Insert + F7

Read Header Field One

Alt + 1

Read Header Field Two

Alt + 2

Read Header Field Three

Alt + 3

Read Header Field Four

Alt + 4

Read Header Field Five

Alt + 5

Click Cc Button

Alt + Shift + 4

Click To Button

Alt + Shift + 3

Launch Global keystrokes listbox

Insert + F8

Close Office Assistant

Ctrl + Insert + F4

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November 11, 2008

Maxthon Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is a list with all Maxthon shortcuts

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ESC Stop
Shift+ESC Stop all tabs
Ctrl+F Find on this page
Ctrl+P Print
F11 Full screen
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+S Save as…
Alt+S Save HTML
Ctrl+Alt+S Auto save
Ctrl+L Open a URL
Ctrl+O Open a URL
Ctrl+N Open a new window
F1 Open a new blank window
Ctrl+Shift+H Open the home page in a new tab
Ctrl+Shift+N Open a URL from clipboard in a new tab
Ctrl+W Close the current tab
Ctrl+F4 Close the current tab
Ctrl+Shift+W Close all tabs
Ctrl+K Close all tabs except the current one
Go To:
Alt+Left Back
Alt+Right Forward
Alt+Home Home
F5 Refresh
Ctrl+R Refresh
Ctrl+F5 Refresh
Shift+F5 Refresh all tabs
Ctrl+"*" Zoom Page / 100%
Ctrl+"+" Zoom Page / +20%
Ctrl+"-" Zoom Page / -20%
Switch tabs:
F2 Previous tab
F3 Next tab
Ctrl+Left Previous tab (*)
Ctrl+Right Next tab (*)
Ctrl+Tab Switch tabs
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switch tabs in the reverse order
Ctrl+1…0 Display pages 1-10
(*) Can be turned off in the "Tab" section of Maxthon Options
Sidebar / Explorer Bar:
Ctrl+E Toggle the Search sidebar
Ctrl+I Toggle the Favorites sidebar
Ctrl+H Toggle the History sidebar
Alt+1 Save the current form data
Alt+2 Save the current form data as default
Alt+Q Fill in the current form
Ad Hunter:
Ctrl+Q Send to the filter list
Alt+I Toggle the popup filter
Alt+P Toggle the auto popup filter
Alt+C Toggle the content filter
Search Bar
Ctrl+Shift+F Move focus to the Search bar and highlight keywords
Shift+Enter Search keywords using multiple engines
Ctrl+Enter Toggle highlighting of search keywords on the active page
Ctrl+G Open the Collector
Ctrl+D Add to Favorites
Ctrl+T Tile windows vertically
Ctrl+F11 Toggle the main Menu bar
Alt+D Move focus to the Address bar & select the current url
F4 Move focus to the Address bar & open the URL list
Alt+` Hide/Show Maxthon
Alt+L View the links list of the current page
Alt+X Lock the current tab
Alt+Z Reopen the last closed tab
F1-F12 URL keys (*)
(*) Make sure you have "Use URL Key" enabled under the Options menu
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August 18, 2008

10+ lesser-known shortcuts for formatting Word text

  • Date: January 28th, 2008
  • Author: Jody Gilbert

Your users probably have a few favorite keyboard shortcuts for formatting text — like Ctrl + B for applying boldface, Ctrl + I for applying italics, Ctrl + U for underlining, and maybe Ctrl + L to left-align text. But Word provides buttons for those tasks on the Formatting toolbar, so any efficiency gains are kind of a toss-up.

The real convenience lies in knowing some more obscure keyboard shortcuts — ones that have no default button equivalents and that can save users from having to scrounge around dialog boxes looking for the appropriate options. Here are some shortcuts that are especially good for users to have under their belt.

Note: A comprehensive list of 80 Word shortcuts is available as a PDF in the TechRepublic Downloads Library. 

Keystroke Function
Ctrl + Shift + D Double underline the selected text
Ctrl + ] Increase the size of selected text by 1 point
Ctrl + [ Decrease the size of selected text by 1 point
Ctrl + Shift + A Make selected text all caps
Ctrl + = Toggle subscripting for selected text
Ctrl + + Toggle superscripting for selected text
Ctrl + Shift + Q Apply Symbol font to selected text
propecia is amazing valign=”top”>Ctrl + Shift + N Apply Normal style to current paragraph
Ctrl + Alt + 1 Apply Heading 1 style to current paragraph
Ctrl + Alt + 2 Apply Heading 2 style to current paragraph
Ctrl + Alt + 3 Apply Heading 3 style to current paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + L Apply List Bullet style
Ctrl + 0 (zero) Apply or remove space above current paragraph
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June 19, 2008

Dreamweaver 8 Keyboard Shortcuts

Quick Keys for Dreamweaver

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Keyboard Shortcut Action
Alt+F File
Open the file menu.
Ctrl+N / Cmd+N New document
Open a new document for editing.
Ctrl+O / Cmd+O Open
Open an existing document for editing.
Ctrl+Shift+O / Cmd+Shift+O Open in Frame
Open an existing document into the selected frame for editing.
Ctrl+W / Cmd+W Close
Close the current document. If it has not been saved, you will be prompted to save.
Ctrl+Shift+W / Cmd+Shift+W Close All
Close every open document. If some have not been saved, you will be prompted to save each one.
Ctrl+S / Cmd+S Save
Save the current document. If it has never been saved, you will be prompted for a file name.
Ctrl+Shift+S / Cmd+Shift+S Save As…
Save the current document with a new file name.
Ctrl+P / Cmd+P Print
Print the HTML for the current document.
F12 View in Browser
View the page in your primary Web browser.
Ctrl+F12 / Cmd+F12 View in Alternate Browser
View the page in your alternate Web browser.
Shift+F8 Check Links
Validate the links in the current document.
Shift+F6 Validate Markup
Validate the HTML in the current document.
Ctrl+Q / Cmd+Q Exit
Quit the program and exit.
Alt+E Edit
Open the edit menu.
Ctrl+Z / Cmd+Z Undo
Undo the last change.
Ctrl+Shift+Z / Cmd+Shift+Z Redo
Redo the last undo.
Ctrl+X / Cmd+X Cut
Cut the selected text and put it on the clipboard.
Ctrl+C / Cmd+C Copy
Copy the selected text and put it on the clipboard.
Ctrl+V / Cmd+V Paste
Paste the text on the clipboard at the cursor location.
Ctrl+Shift+C / Cmd+Shift+C Copy HTML
Copy the selected HTML and put it on the clipboard.
Ctrl+Shift+V / Cmd+Shift+V Paste HTML
Paste the HTML on the clipboard at the cursor location.
Ctrl+A / Cmd+A Select All
Select all the text in the window.
Ctrl+[ / Cmd+[ Select Parent Tag
Select the containing tag.
Ctrl+] / Cmd+] Select Child Tag
Select the contained tag.
Ctrl+F / Cmd+F Find and Replace
Search within the current document for text and replace it with other text if you choose.
Shift+F3 / Cmd+G Find Selection
Search within the current document for the selected text.
F3 Find Next
Go to the next instance of the searched for string.
Ctrl+G / ? Go to
Go to the line number or character position you specify.
Ctrl+Space / Cmd+Space Show Code Hints
Display any information available on the tag at the cursor.
Ctrl+Shift+> / Cmd+Shift+> Indent
Indent the selected line(s) one tab space.
Ctrl+Shift+< / Cmd+Shift+<< Outdent
Outdent the selected line(s) one tab space.
Ctrl+Shift+' / Cmd+Shift+' Balance Braces
Align the braces.
Ctrl+U / Cmd+U Preferences
Change your preferences for Dreamweaver.
Alt+V View
Open the View menu.
Ctrl+` / Cmd+` Switch Views
Switch between code, design, and code & design views.
F5 Refresh Design View
Reload the markup displayed in the design view.
Ctrl+Shift+H / Cmd+Shift+H Head Content
Display the header content while in design view.
F6 Expanded Tables Mode
View tables expanded.
Ctrl+F6 / Cmd+F6 Layout Mode
View tables in layout mode.
Ctrl+Shift+I / Cmd+Shift+I Hide All Visual Aids
Turn off all visual aids.
Ctrl+Alt+R / Cmd+Opt+R Show All Rulers
Display all rulers on the screen.
Ctrl+Alt+G / Cmd+Opt+G Show Grid
Display grid in design view.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G / Cmd+Opt+Shift+G Snap to Grid
Snap elements to grid.
Ctrl+Alt+P / Cmd+Opt+P Play Plugin
Play plugin at cursor.
Ctrl+Alt+X / Cmd+Opt+X Stop Plugin
Stop plugin at cursor.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P / Cmd+Opt+Shift+P Play All Plugins
Play all plugins.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X / Cmd+Opt+Shift+X Stop All Plugins
Stop all plugins.
F4 Hide Panels
Hide all open panels.
Alt+I Insert
Open the insert menu.
Ctrl+E / Cmd+E Insert Tag
Insert markup tag at cursor.
Ctrl+Alt+I / Cmd+Opt+I Insert Image
Insert image at cursor.
Ctrl+Alt+F / Cmd+Opt+F Insert Flash
Insert Flash animation at cursor.
Ctrl+Alt+D / Cmd+Opt+D Insert Shockwave
Insert Shockwave object at cursor.
Ctrl+Alt+T / Cmd+Opt+T Insert Table
Insert table at cursor.
Ctrl+Alt+A / Cmd+Opt+A Insert Named Anchor
Insert named anchor at cursor.
Shift+Return / Shift+Return Insert Line Break
Insert line break (<br />) at cursor.
Ctrl+Shift+Space / Cmd+Shift+Space or Option+Space in Design View Non-breaking space
Insert a non-breaking space (&nbsp;) at cursor.
Ctrl+Alt+V / Cmd+Opt+V Insert Editable Region
Insert editable region for a template at cursor.
Alt+M Modify
Open the modify menu.
Ctrl+J / Cmd+J Page Properties
Modify the properties for the page.
Ctrl+T / Cmd+T Quick Tag Editor
Add a tag quickly in the design view.
Ctrl+L / Cmd+L Make Link
Make the highlighted object a link.
Ctrl+Shift+L / Cmd+Shift+L Remove Link
Remove link from highlighted object.
Ctrl+Shift+1 / Cmd+Shift+1 Align Left
Align object left.
Ctrl+Shift+3 / Cmd+Shift+3 Align Right
Align object right.
Ctrl+Shift+4 / Cmd+Shift+4 Align Top
Align object at top.
Ctrl+Shift+6 / Cmd+Shift+6 Align Bottom
Align object at bottom.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T / Cmd+Opt+Shift+T Add Object to Timeline
Add element to timeline.
Alt+T Text
Open text menu.
Shift+F7 Check Spelling
Check spelling in document.
Alt+C Commands
Open commands menu.
Ctrl+Shift+X / Cmd+Shift+X Start Recording
Record all commands.
Alt+S Site
Open the site menu.
Ctrl+Shift+D / Cmd+Shift+D Get
Get all files on remote site and bring them to local drive.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D / Cmd+Opt+Shift+D Check Out
Check out all files on remote site and bring them to local drive.
Ctrl+Shift+U / Cmd+Shift+U Put
Put all files on remote site from local drive.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U / Cmd+Opt+Shift+U Check In
Check in all files on local drive and put them on remote site.
Ctrl+F8 / Cmd+F8 Check Links Sitewide
Validate all links on the site.
Alt+W Window
Open the window menu.
Ctrl+F2 / Cmd+F2 Insert Menu
Toggle insert window.
Ctrl+F3 / Cmd+F3 Properties Menu
Toggle properties window.
Shift+F11 CSS Styles
Toggle CSS styles window.
F2 Layers Menu
Toggle layers window.
Shift+F4 Behaviors Menu
Toggle behaviors window.
Shift+F9 Snippets Menu
Toggle snippets window.
Shift+F1 Reference Menu
Toggle reference window.
Ctrl+Shift+F10 / Cmd+Shift+F10 Databases Menu
Toggle databases window.
Ctrl+F10 / Cmd+F10 Bindings Menu
Toggle bindings window.
Ctrl+F9 / Cmd+F9 Server Behavior Menu
Toggle server behavior window.
Ctrl+F7 / Cmd+F7 Components Menu
Toggle components window.
F8 Files Menu
Toggle files window.
F11 Assets Menu
Toggle assets window.
F9 Tag Inspector Menu
Toggle tag inspector window.
F7 Results Menu
Toggle results window.
Shift+F10 History Menu
Toggle history window.
Shift+F2 Frames Menu
Toggle frames window.
F10 Code Inspector Menu
Toggle code inspector window.
Alt+F9 Timelines Menu
Toggle timelines window.
Alt+H Help
Open the help menu.
F1 Using Dreamweaver
Help with using Dreamweaver.
Ctrl+F1 / Cmd+F1 Using ColdFusion
Help with using ColdFusion.
Shift+F1 Reference
Reference help for Dreamweaver.
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