February 4, 2009
Google SearchWiki
Have you heard the good news?! Well, Google Search has just become a bit more like Wikipedia. The new feature is called SearchWiki and as long as you’re logged in to your Google account, you can access it. It's so easy to work with too. For example, you can tell if it’s on or not by simply looking at your search results:
And here’s what those little symbols mean:
This is the Promote button. You can click on it when you like the search result it’s next to and you would like it to appear at the top of your search results in the future.
This is the Remove button. When you don’t want a search result to appear again, click this and it won’t bother you anymore!
This is the Comment button. You can leave comments about a certain search result and other users will be able to see it as well. It will use your Google account nickname, so if that's identifying at all, you may not want to use this feature.
You could say I’m a bit of a Web search purist! I mean, I don’t even like the ads on the right hand side of the Google search pages. Unfortunately, for people like me, SearchWiki is included by default. But if you don't want it, there are two ways you can get around it.
1.) Add the tag "&hl=all" to the end of every Google search URL you submit. That can be a little repetitive, but it's one of your options.
2.) Install the Greasemonkey script here. If you're not quite sure, Greasemonkey is an add on for Firefox that allows you medicament cialis to change how Web pages are displayed for you. Either way you go, happy Googling!
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