April 23, 2008

Update Those Pages

Do you pretty much visit the same Web sites all the time? Or, maybe there's a site you visited a long time ago and you'd like to go back. Either way, you're going to want to see the most updated version of those sites, right? Of course! Who wouldn't? Well, as long as you have a particular site stored in your system, you can use this next tip. Let's check it out!

To ensure you always get the most recently updated Web sites, you just have to change a quick setting in your Web browser of choice. If you use Internet Explorer, open it up and go to Tools, Internet Options. Once you're in there, look for the Temporary Internet Files section and click on the Settings button. A new box will appear and at the top, there is a section that says "Check for newer versions of stored pages:." That's where you can choose which way you would like to go. In this case, the most practical would be "Every visit to the page." With that option checked, IE will check for the newest version of the site every time you visit.

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You can also do it every time you start Internet Explorer, automatically or you can choose to not do it at all. Choose which one you prefer and click OK twice.

If you use Firefox, this feature is used through the bookmarks you have and you can read more about that right here. Either way you go, you now know how to get the most updated information from the Web sites you love to visit. It just doesn't get any better than that!

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