February 24, 2008
Excel – What Was That Function Again?
Ever find yourself working in MS Excel and realize the function you want is right on the tip of your tongue, or in this case, your fingers? And there you go again. You have to open the Paste Function window and in doing so, you're probably taking your hands off the keyboard and back to the dreaded mouse to get to the Insert menu, Function choice. Or, maybe you're using the Function button. Either way, it's time consuming and annoying!
Want a keyboard shortcut you can use for the Paste Function window? Yes? I thought you might. I mean, we can all use a time saver here and there!
So, the next time you need to look up an Excel function, try Shift + F3.
The Paste Function/Insert Function dialogue window will immediately open up.
You can search for a function with a description at the top or just below that, you can select a category and scroll through the list it produces.
When you've found what you're looking for, select it and click OK.
For all you Excel 2007 users, you have yet another easy way to search for your functions. You need to take a look at your Formulas ribbon.
Here you'll find that the formula categories are easily accessible. By clicking one of the categories, a list of those formulas will open for you to pick from.
Either buy viagra online no prescription way, it's a way to put you quickly on your quest for that elusive function!
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