December 13, 2007

Reporting Spam E-mail

We here at WorldStart often tell you about new e-mail scams that are going around on the Internet, but we've never really told cialis prescriptions you what you can do to report all the spam you receive in your Inbox. Lately, I've been asked that question a lot, so I figured it was about time we addressed it. I do apologize for taking so long to do so. Reporting spam e-mail is very easy to do and if everyone does their part, who knows, maybe the bad side of e-mail will finally disappear for good. Let's check it out, shall we?!

First of all, I want to make sure everyone is clear on what I'm referring to when I say spam e-mail. Spam can come in a variety of ways, including messages from business marketers trying to sell their products, forwards, bogus money offers and just any messages you may get from people you don't know. I'm sure you all have gotten your fair share of those, because no matter what you do, it seems impossible to protect your e-mail address from getting into the wrong hands. And I don't know about you, but junk e-mails really get on my nerves and they waste my time!

So, the next time you see a spam e-mail in your Inbox that you think is deceptive, do us all a favor and forward it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at this address: You can do that just by hitting the Forward button in your e-mail and typing that address on the To: line. The FTC then uses the e-mails they get at that address to pursue law enforcement actions against the people who send them. They have even put together a new law against spammers, called the CAN-SPAM law, which is designed to hold spammers responsible for their actions. It's nice to know there is something we all can do to help combat the dreadful problem of spam. Do your part today and let's all start to make a difference!

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