October 11, 2007
Winamp 5.5 Full
Nullsoft – 8.06MB (Freeware)
Nullsoft – 8.06MB (Freeware)
FileZilla – 2.75MB (Open Source)
The program offers support for firewalls and proxy connections as well as SSL and Kerberos GSS security.
Okay, so yesterday we discussed the placement of graphics (for example, company logos) into the header of an MS Excel worksheet.
Now, if you're a Word user, you may have wanted that same ability in your documents and you may have took the initiative to look for that Insert Picture button found in Excel's custom header window.
But, when the Header/Footer toolbar opened, you didn't find the button, did you?
So, what now?
Well, believe it or not, but it's no more difficult to insert the logo into a Word header (or footer, for that matter) than it is in the body of the document.
That's right! It's basically the same process, but let's review it to make sure everyone is up to speed.
First, you need to get into the header/footer section.
If you already have an established header or footer and are in the Print Layout View, you can quickly double click in that area and it will become canadian cialis active for editing.
Otherwise, you can use the View menu, Header/Footer choice.
Either way, with the header open, you can proceed with the graphic insertion.
With the cursor in the header, go to the Insert menu, Picture submenu and then select what type of graphic you're inserting.
Find your graphic and insert it as you would any other time.
Close the header.
Your logo is now in the header (or footer), just as you imagined!
AOL's instant messenger program of AIM is one that is widely used by many people of can you buy cialis without a prescription all types and ages. It allows friends, family members, co-workers and even complete strangers to keep in touch with one another from anywhere around the world. In my last article for this program, I talked about how to add and block your buddies on your buddy list, how to set up away messages when you are busy or away from your computer and how to distinguish the status of your friends online. Well, today I'm going to talk about a few other features. Let's go!
Other features that are rather basic, but are very important to AIM users include: AIM talking or chatting, sharing videos and pictures and sending files to one another while online. The number one purpose of AIM is to send instant messages to one another. If you just double click on someone's screenname on your buddy list, you can type and send each other messages.
The option of "talking" is also available. With that, you can literally talk out loud if both users have microphones attached to their computer. By clicking on the Talk tab, which is the first tab on the bottom of the text box, you can invite the other person to start a conversation with you. If you are free of any technical difficulties, you’re set to go!
Another common use of AIM users is to share or send things while chatting online. The option of sending videos enables you to start a Webcam chat with the other person. Similar to the Talk option, this feature allows the two users to physically see each other up on their computer screens. This, of course, only works when both users have Webcams installed. That way, you can see the person you are talking to. Beware though, make sure you’re not enabling the Webcam if you’re talking to someone you don’t know very well!
In addition to talking and seeing the person you’re chatting with online through the Talk and Video features, you can send each other files as well. You can start a Direct IM session in which both you and the person you're talking to can send each other pictures in a slideshow format. You can even save the other person’s pictures onto your own computer. Sharing pictures has never been easier or more enjoyable!
Finally, you can send any types of files through an instant message as well. That includes MS Word documents, images, music files or any other files you could typically e-mail to another person. By clicking on the Send File tab, a new window opens up in which you can look through your folders and files and pick which one you want to send. With just a click of your mouse, you can choose to communicate in all of these different ways. Technology has never been better!
You can download the latest version of AIM for yourself right here. Happy IMing!
By William Kilmer, News.com
Published on ZDNet News: Oct 8, 2007 4:00:00 AM
The Storm Worm ranks as one of this year's most virulent and persistent viruses. After making a January debut, transported by e-mail, the virus was notable for the more than 50,000 variants that it subsequently spawned.
The Storm Worm has since continued unabated, most recently in the form of Web-based attacks. E-mails, socially engineered to look like electronic greeting cards and linked to a Web site containing malware, completely avoided traditional e-mail antivirus gateways. The Storm Worm's course change to the Web reflects a growing trend of malware Web-based attacks launched through e-mail.
The simple logic behind these e-mail-based blended threats is astoundingly effective: no attachment means no antivirus block. And when combined with a user-friendly invitation, it creates the opportunity for a high infection rate.
Blended threats easily lead people to Web sites where malware gets downloaded–often without user interaction or knowledge. The industry is just now realizing the severity of the problem,
Researchers at Google recently published a paper concluding that approximately 10 percent of reviewed URLs contained "drive-by downloads" of malware binaries (PDF) and many more that were flagged as suspicious.
Malware once lurked in the dark corners of the Internet, but recent hacks have shifted it to the places we all frequent.
buying generic cialis 9pt; margin: 0in; font-family: Verdana” align=”justify”>Our research at Avinti examined URLs being "advertised" through e-mail by spammers, and we found similar results: 40 percent of all e-mails contain at least one URL, and of those, approximately 7 percent linked to a malware site.
Malware once lurked in the dark corners of the Internet, but recent hacks have shifted it to the places we all frequent. For evidence, look no further than this year's hacking of the Web site for Dolphin Stadium, home to Super Bowl. Or the Sydney Opera House. Even popular social-networking sites like MySpace and Facebook have been platforms for exploits. Yes, the sites we frequent daily and trust may be the biggest threats we face in the future and we may be lured there by an innocuous e-mail link to view a greeting, blog or video.
The new Web (2.0) is a fertile breeding ground for malware. Links, blog postings, shared applications and syndicated traffic are all backdoor opportunities for unknown exploits to invade legitimate sites.
At the same time, traditional tools such as Web filters, originally built for blocking objectionable content, struggle to catch these attacks as much as antivirus products do in keeping up with ever-changing e-mail-borne attacks. Spammers and hackers have automated the process so that these sites can be up and running and then down in a matter of hours long enough to carry out their attacks. Like the Storm Worm variants, these sites may be up, active and out of business before a bad URL or IP address is ever logged.
Given the frequency of hackers hijacking a legitimate Web site to insert malware, such as an attack spoofing the Better Business Bureau, blocking a domain or subdomain is becoming more problematic. What about linked pages? Are they blocked by association or if they serve up the malicious link? What if a single IP address hosts sites for both malware and non-malware sites? Without proper control, we may end up either blocking too much, or jeopardizing our trust in valid Web sites.
Fortunately, there is some light now that we have recognized the problem. Organizations like Stopbadware.org and Google are beginning to address ways to share information on malware sites. More vigilance by social sites and IT directors on patching and maintaining their Web sites is going to become more critical than ever.
In addition, there is a greater realization among vendors that since hackers and spammers don't look at e-mail, IM, or the Web independently, they can't afford to either. What we need now are proactive solutions that are as dynamic as the attacks they are trying to prevent; that can detect both known and unknown threats, whether on the Web, e-mail, or IM. Until then, beware the next time you get an e-mail greeting card.
Pasted from <http://news.zdnet.com/2010-1009_22-6211929.html?tag=nl.e550>