August 28, 2008

Outlook Express – BCC

When we send out an EMail to multiple EMail addresses without hiding them, we're contributing to spam.  How?  Those EMail addresses are worth the price of gold to spammers.  Especially if your EMail is then "forwarded" by one or two, three, four of those well-meaning people to THEIR list of family/friends.  Now not only is your list of EMail addresses showing, but so is the list of those who also used the propecia nizoral To: button to forward your mail on.  This tutorial will show you how to 'hide' the recipient EMail addresses by using the :Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) feature in Outlook Express.

Open Outlook Express.  If you don't see the Bcc: option in the "recipeint field", click View on your menu bar and go to All Headers … now you should see the Bcc: option along with the To: and Cc:

Rather than clicking the To: button, click the Bcc: button to add the addresses for your mass mailing.

A "Select Recipients" window will open.  Hold your "control key" (Ctrl) on your keyboard down and click on all the names in your address book that you want to send the email to.  If you are sending the email to "everyone" in your address book, click on the first name in your list, hold your "shift key" down then click on the last name in the list to select them all.

Once you've selected the list of recipients, click the Bcc: button in the middle of the window pane and all the names will appear in the window on the right.  Click OK.

You'll notice all the people you selected from the list in your Address Book, are now listed in the Bcc: window of your Message Window.  Compose your EMail, click Send.

Oh happy days!! You've protected the EMail addresses of your friends/family from spam harvesters.

BONUS TUTORIAL (Using the Reply versus the Reply All button)

When someone sends you an EMail with cc's (carbon copies) or bcc's (blind carbon copies) to a hundred other people, DON'T make the mistake of replying to the person who sent you the EMail by clicking the Reply All button.  Not only will the 'sender' get your EMail, but so will every single other person that received the original EMail.  Instead, be sure to click the Reply button so that ONLY the sender of the EMail gets your reply.

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May 21, 2008

Let OE Do It!

Are you unhappy with the way you have to check for new e-mail messages each day? I mean, wouldn't it be nice if you didn't ever really have to worry about it? All you would have to do is set your e-mail client to "automatic" and just let it roll. Well, if that sounds like an excellent idea to you, you're in luck, because that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do today! Note: This tip is only for Outlook Express users.

There are a couple things you can do to get OE to do your work for you (if that's how you want to look at it!) Open Outlook Express and go to Tools, Options and then click on the General tab. Under the Send/Receive Messages section, you'll see three different options. For this tip, go ahead and checkmark the ones that say "Send and receive messages at startup" and viagra pills "Check for new messages every (blank) minute(s)."

The first one will actually check for your new e-mail messages every time you start up your computer. So, if you shut your PC down every night, as soon as you boot it back up in the morning, OE will automatically check for any new e-mails you may have gotten throughout the night. The second feature gives you the option of choosing how often you'd like your e-mail to be checked. If you usually get new e-mails all day long, you may want to check it every 15 minutes or so. Or, maybe you want to check it more often or less. If so, just choose your preferred amount of time and OE will take care of the rest. Click OK when you're done. With those two options selected, you'll never have to worry about manually checking your e-mail again. It's all automatic!

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October 6, 2007

Formatting in Outlook Express


I use Outlook Express for most of my e-mailing and sometimes I would like to do some formatting (headers, line spacing, etc.) in my e-mails, but I can never figure out how to do it. Please help!



I sure can! That really is an excellent question buy cialis online usa and I'm sure you're not the only one who has wondered about it. It must be very frustrating when you go to type out an e-mail and all you want to do is add an indent, but you can't figure out how to do it. And that's just one example! I can't even imagine all the other things you could have done with your e-mails if you only knew where to look. Well, I for one, do not want you all to go another second without knowing how to format your e-mails. If you're using Outlook Express, the process is super easy and I'm sure all of you will get the hang of it right away. Alright, let's get down to it!


The first thing you need to do is start a new e-mail, so in Outlook Express, click on Create Mail and then place your mouse cursor in the e-mail body with just one click. It's important to click into the e-mail first, because that activates all of the formatting options for you. When you're ready to start, go up to the Format menu and choose what you would like to do. A few of the options you'll see are Style, Font, Paragraph, Background, Encoding and so on. I recommend that you take some time to go over all the choices and familiarize yourself with them. If you do that, you will know better where to go to get done what you want to do.


For example, the Style option is where you'll find most of your choices. From within the Style menu, you can do everything from change your font to adding a double space to your lines to adding headers to starting a new paragraph to adding bullets and numbers and so on. If you want to add double spacing to your e-mail, go to Format, Style and choose Formatted. You can then begin typing out your e-mail and each line will come with a double space in between. Or, if you'd like to add a bulleted list to your e-mail, go to Format, Style and click on the Bulleted List choice. That will automatically add some bullets to your e-mail and you can then start typing.


Alright, now let's say you want to change the Font of your e-mail. If so, go to Format, Font and the Font dialogue box will pop up. From there, you can change the font design, the style, the text size and you can even choose a color to type in if you'd like. When you're done making your selections, just click OK and all of that formatting will then cross over into your e-mail. Once you start typing, you will see all of your changes come alive!


Also from the Format menu, you can add a background to your e-mails. Go to Format, Background and then select either Picture, Color or Sound. If you want to add one of your pictures to the background of your e-mail, choose Picture. You can then browse through your picture files and add one to the e-mail you're going to send out. Or, you can choose Color and change the whole color scheme of your e-mail. Maybe you're sending out invitations to a football party you're having and you'd like to use the team colors of your favorite team. If it were me, I would want to do scarlet and gray for the Ohio State Buckeyes (Go Bucks!), so I would choose an all gray background and then use the Font method from up above to make my text red. It looks so cool 8like that!


The Format menu is also where you can change your text from Plain Text to Rich Text (HTML) or vice versa. Or, if you'd like to add some stationery to your e-mail, you can do that from here as well. Just go to Format, Stationery and then choose the one you'd like to use. It's as simple as that! So, as you can see, the Format menu gives you the power to do just about anything with the e-mails you send out. If you want to spice your e-mails up a bit, the Format menu is the place to go. Or, if you just want to do some simple formatting, it's there for you. Whatever you need to do, the Format menu is there for your rescue!


Now, unfortunately, I have not been able to find a way where you can keep the same formatting for every e-mail you send out, so you will have to redo everything for each new e-mail you send. I know that's a bit of a pain, but it's really not that bad, because you'll probably want to do something different for each one anyway. Either way, the Format menu is a great tool to familiarize yourself with in Outlook Express. It holds the power to make your e-mails look just the way you want them. Check it out today!


~ Erin

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