May 16, 2012

Change User Folder and System Folder Locations

Change User Folder and System Folder Locations

With this tip, you can change the location of the user folders such as "My Documents", "Cookies", "Desktop", "Favorites", "History", etc.

Location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

Values: Multiple, see graphic

Normally whatever you download by default it will save in downloads folder. If you want to save your downloads in the different folders you need to change the locations of the driver.

Step 1:

Please follow the steps to set the location of your default download folder.

1)      Click on Start, then click on Computer

2)      Click on C:\ drive, and then click on User’s folder.

3)      Under user’s folder click on your user name, then click on Downloads, right click on downloads select Properties

4)      Click on the Location Tab.

5)      Under location tab Change the location to the require drive.

6)      Click on Apply, finally click OK.

If this doesn’t helps, then I would suggest you to follow step 2:

Note: before changing any registry setting, I would suggest you to back up and restore the registry please refer to the below link:

Step 2:

Try changing the location of the Download folder from the Registry:
1. Click "Start" – "Run".

2. Start the registry editor by typing "regedit" and press ENTER.

3. Scroll down to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer.

4. In the right pane, double-click "Download Directory".

5. When the "Edit String" dialog appears, enter your new download directory. Make sure to type this EXACTLY correct – there is no option to browse for directories! When done, click "OK".

6. Close the Registry Editor. Close all open Internet Explorer windows. You may also need to reboot your computer or logoff and login for this change to occur.

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Windows 7 does not save network login credentials (username and password)

This is a note to self while I am elsewhere:

I just signed up so I could post the simplest solution:

  1. Go to: Control Panel > User Accounts and Family Safety > Manage Windows Credentials
  2. Expand each device listed by clicking the down arrow
  3. Delete all the credentials by selecting "Remove from vault"(to make things simple)
  4. Create new credentials for each network by entering the IP address of the device you're trying to connect to. For example, most internal IP addresses start with 192.168.1.xx. The last two digits vary with each device. It could be,, etc. Enter this address in the "Internet or network address" field.
  5. Enter your username and password (don't have to enter computer name, slashes, etc)
  6. Try to connect to the network. It will now work.
  7. To double check, restart your computer. The credential will still be remembered.

I tried to write down the simplest instructions. Obviously, there is more depth to this and alternative solutions, but this one works. The issue is 1.You either did not enter your credential in the correct format or 2.You have corrupted/duplicate credentials. There is no sequence required. We usually think that if something works, the sequence must have mattered.

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March 21, 2012

Manually Create the “Volume Mixer” Shortcut

1. Right click on a empty area on desktop, and click on New and Shortcut.

2. Copy and paste the location below into the location area, and click on the Next button. (see screenshot below)

%windir%\System32\SndVol.exe -r 49490633

Volume Mixer Shortcut - Create-step1.jpg

3. Type Volume Mixer for the name, and click on the Finish button. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: You can name this anything you would like though.

Volume Mixer Shortcut - Create-step2.jpg

4. You can now Pin to Taskbar or Pin to Start Menu this shortcut, assign a keyboard shortcut to it, or move it where you like for easy use.

That's it,

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July 25, 2011

Trillian – version 5

Click here to download Trillian v5.x!

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May 29, 2011

What you need to know about Windows 7 SP1

By Woody Leonhard

With Windows 7 Service Pack 1 generally available, Win7 users need to know what SP1 brings — and doesn't bring — to the game.

In short, this service pack adds surprisingly little to Windows 7. You'll want to install it — eventually.

And for those of you who followed the conventional wisdom and are waiting for the first service pack before installing Microsoft's newest OS, you waited without good cause. Win 7 SP1 sports a little nip here and a roll-up tuck there — but there's not a single significant enhancement to Win7.

And that's good news. It seems, for once, Microsoft turned out a major new product that was relatively problem-free, right from the start.

Service Pack 1's most significant improvements

Uh, there really aren't any. At least not for the average PC user. (SP1 does have a few nifty new features for Windows Server 2008 R2.) No need to take my word for it. Download Microsoft's official description, "Notable changes in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1," available on a Microsoft Download Center page, and see for yourself. "The impact of SP1 on the Windows 7 client operating system is considered to be minimal. Included changes address minor usability issues in specific scenarios," according to the unusually sedate Microsoft manifesto.

To save you a bit of time and effort, here's a summary:§  Higher-definition connections with Remote Desktop: If you use Remote Desktop (I prefer the third-party service LogMeIn), installing SP1 on both PCs sets up high-definition connection via a new technology Microsoft calls RemoteFX. Snappy name. Based on virtualization technology (info page) Microsoft acquired two years ago when it bought Calista Technologies, RemoteFX makes it possible for full graphics to show through on remote sessions. Someday, we're promised, you'll be able to use RemoteFX with your phone. I'm not holding my breath — I'm not even sure I'd want it.§  More Windows Live ID support: A technology Microsoft calls "Microsoft Federation Gateway" will give SP1-enhanced PCs improved Windows Live ID authentication to non-Microsoft sites, using a long-established Web services protocol known as the WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile. I thought Win7 already had WS-Federation profiles (detailed in an MSDN article) nailed, but apparently some fix is necessary.§  An HDMI patch: I have no idea why MS emphasizes this as one of the noteworthy changes in Win7 SP1. It's a bug fix to keep HDMI working when a PC is rebooted.§  An XML Paper Specification fix: The 10 of you who actually use XPS instead of PDF will be pleased that SP1 fixes a print bug affecting mixed portrait and landscape documents.§  Even more-obscure fixes: These include restoring previous folders at sign-in, IKEv2 protocol improvements (used in VPN connections), and a hotfix rollup from November (KB 982018) for Advanced Format disks. Little stuff.This is a case where "SP" stands for "slim pickings."

Odd circumstances leading to SP1's release

If you follow the trade press, you may have picked up on some, uh, anomalous circumstances surrounding the release of SP1. (We'll probably see a similar series of leaks, half-leaks, and teasers leading up to Windows 8 — or whatever the next version of Windows is called.)

It appears that the code for SP1 was frozen as far back as mid-to-late-November. The files are digitally signed 11/22/2010. The official build identification string, 7601.17514.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850, refers to November 19 ("101119"). The installer executable is dated November 23. That's a long, long time ago.

On October 27, 2010, Microsoft posted update KB 976902, which ended up crashing a significant number of machines. Soon dubbed the "Black Hole Update" by industry observers, the patch was pulled quickly and didn't reappear until January. We now know KB 976902 is a precursor to installing Windows 7 SP1 — and it's automatically installed for you when you install SP1.

As noted in a story, Microsoft updated its Service Pack Blocker Tool Kit (download page) in November. The updated kit lets corporate sites prevent Windows Update from automatically installing SP1. In retrospect, it looks like MS released these tools right around the time SP1 was finalized. That makes sense: the Windows development team needs to have things nearly locked down before ancillary tools can be distributed.

On January 13, Microsoft's Russian Windows Virtualization team posted the Win7 SP1 RTM (release to manufacture) build identification string on its MS TechNet site. Subsequently, the final build number was removed from the site and someone at Microsoft posted a notice stating, "Microsoft has not released SP1 to OEMs at this time, though we are on track for a Q1 release, as we previously announced. The comments made in this blog entry included some inaccuracies." As best I can tell, all of the pertinent details on the Russian TechNet site were correct. Those of you who watched the Windows 7 rollout will remember that Russian-language sites leaked many details about Win7 that were later confirmed. (The Russian sites just might provide accurate prerelease details for Window 8.)

On January 14, a copy of 7601.17514.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850 hit the torrents, and Microsoft immediately and repeatedly denied that the leaked build was final. On January 14, Paul Thurrott reported, "A bit of rumor-busting. Some sites have claimed that SP1 is complete and that Microsoft will release it to its OEM — i.e., PC-maker — partners as soon as tomorrow. That is not the case. SP1 is imminent, but it's not quite done as I write this." No doubt that's what MS's handlers told Paul, but by all appearances, it wasn't true.

SP1's official announcement came three weeks later in a Feb. 9 Microsoft Windows blog. At that point, MS said that OEMs had already received the bits on February 9, that MSDN and TechNet subscribers would get them on February 16 (they did), and that the rest of us will have SP1 on February 22 via the MS Download Center and Windows Update.

That's an amazingly fast rollout, if indeed MS waited until February 9 for OEMs — blindingly fast if you're selling new PCs and want to ship them with the latest build of Windows 7. Perhaps it was smoke and mirrors; OEMs have often been fingered as the source of torrent-based leaks of new Microsoft software. Maybe the February 9 OEM announcement was simply damage control.

As I noted at the outset, this first service pack says much about Windows 7. It's surprisingly free of the growing pains that afflicted earlier versions of Windows. Unless you are completely attached to Windows XP, the wait to upgrade is over.

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