October 22, 2007

New Release: Winamp 5.5

Are you a Winamp user? (If you're not even sure what Winamp is, you can read here to learn all about it). If you are, I've got some great news for you today! I know I'm a little behind on this, but I received word last week that a new version of Winamp has just recently been released. That's right, Winamp 5.5 was released on October 10, 2007 and it is now available for everyone to download. Now, before I go any further, I have to thank Crockett from WorldStart's message board for the heads up on this one. Alright, let's check it out!


What's so cool about this new release is that Winamp 5.5 is marking the 10 year anniversary for the Winamp team. Because of that, the new Winamp is ten times better than it's ever been before. I'm telling you, some of the new features for this version are just out of this world. I've been a regular Winamp user for a long time and I have never enjoyed it as much as I do now. For starters, Winamp 5.5 has a whole new redesigned look and it comes with a brand new skin called "Bento." I love the new look and in my opinion, Winamp has never looked better!


Here are some of the other features you'll find with Winamp 5.5: You can now use Winamp with your iPod and a few other digital devices, cialis c20 there are more options available for your album art, there is now MP3 surround support, there have been some changes made to the playlist feature, you can now get dynamic song recommendations and there have even been some changes made for sharing your music with your friends. And that's just the beginning! You can see a full log of all the changes on this Web site if you're interested in learning more. Or, if you just want to download Winamp 5.5 for free right away, you can do so here. Just download it and start enjoying it today. I know you're going to love it!

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