October 17, 2007

Have Access automatically print your reports

Date: October 16th, 2007

Author: Mary Ann Richardson


If you need to print out an Access report by 10:00 every Friday morning, you don’t have to do it manually. Follow these steps to create a macro to print the report and schedule it to automatically run at that time:


  1. Open the database that contains the report.
  2. In the Database window, click Macro Under Objects.
  3. Click the Design button.
  4. Click in the first cell under Commands and select OpenReport.
  5. In the Action Arguments, click the Name Of Report box and select the name of the report you want to schedule.
  6. Save your macro.
  7. Go to Windows Explorer and open the folder where you want to save the macro shortcut.
  8. Right-click the Windows taskbar and click Tile Windows Vertically.
  9. Drag the icon of the macro you created from the Database window to the opened folder on your desktop.
  10. Close both windows.
  11. Click the Start button, click All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Scheduled Tasks.
  12. Double-click Add Scheduled Tasks and then click Next.
  13. cialis 2.5mg Verdana”>Click the Browse button.
  14. Navigate to the folder containing the shortcut to the macro command and select it.
  15. Click Open and then click Next.
  16. Click Daily.
  17. Click the arrows of the Start Time box until you reach 10:00 AM. Click Next.
  18. Enter your password in the Password text box.
  19. Enter your password in the Confirm Password text box and click Next.
  20. Click Finish.


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