February 20, 2008

Get quick help with your Access forms with ToolTips

Date: February 19th, 2008

Author: Mary Ann Richardson

When designing an Access application, don’t neglect to plan for the ToolTips! ToolTips let you provide context-sensitive help wherever and whenever needed. To access your ToolTip help, simply move your mouse pointer over a control on the form and the Tooltip will appear with help on that control. Not only can ToolTips cut down on training time, they can also reduce the number of calls to the help desk. To add a ToolTip to a form control, follow these steps:

  1. Open the form in design view.
  2. Right-click the control and then select Properties.
  3. On the control’s property sheet, click the Other tab.
  4. Click in the ControlTip Text box.
  5. Enter the appropriate help text for the control.

For longer help text entries, you can wrap the text by pressing [Ctrl][Enter] wherever you want a line break to appear.

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January 9, 2008

Convert an Access form to a report before printing

Date: January 8th, 2008

You create the necessary tables and forms for your database, but when you print all your form’s records, Access prints one page for each record. You can create a report; this will save you paper, but it will also take some time to create. A quicker alternative is to simply convert your form to a report and then print the report. Follow these steps to convert an Access 2003/2002 form to a report for printing:

  1. Open the database containing the form.
  2. Click Forms Under Objects in the Database window.
  3. Right-click the form you want to convert to a report.
  4. Click Save As.
  5. Click in the Save “Form_Name” To text box and enter a name for your report.
  6. Click the drop-down arrow in the As text box and select Report from the list, then click OK.

To print the report, click Reports Under Objects in the Database window and then select the report.

To convert an Access 2007 form to a report, follow these steps:

  1. Open the database containing the form.
  2. Click the name of the form in the Navigation pane.
  3. Click the Microsoft Office button.
  4. Point to Save As and then click Save Object As.
  5. generic cialis buy online align=”justify”>Click in the Save “Form_Name” To text box and enter a name for your report.
  6. Click the drop-down arrow in the As text box and select Report from the list, then click OK.

To print the report, click Reports in the Navigation pane and then select the report.

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November 1, 2007

Use Access menus to add page numbers, dates, and times to your reports

While the Report Wizard automatically adds page numbers to your Access report, it does not add a date and time stamp. And, if you create a report in Design view, you have to add the controls for the page numbers as well. Access provides menus so that you don’t have to know the code for setting these controls.

For example, to add page numbers to the bottom of your report, follow these steps:

  1. Open your report in Design view.
  2. Go to Insert | Page Numbers.
  3. Click Page N Of M under Format.
  4. Click Bottom Of Page [Footer] under Position.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow under Alignment and select Center. Click OK.

If the first page of your report is a title page and you do not want the number to appear on that page, clear the Show Number On First Page check box before clicking OK in step 5.

The Page Numbers dialog box gives you a number of options for positioning the number in the header and footer. For example, if you are printing the report on both sides of the paper, you can select Inside or Outside in step 4.

To use the menus to insert a date and time stamp in your report’s footer, follow these steps:

  1. Open your report in Design view.
  2. Go to Insert | Date And Time.
  3. Select the Date format you want to display under Include Date.
  4. Select the Time format you want to display under Include Time. Click OK.
  5. Drag the Time And Date fields to where you want to position them in the page footer section.
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October 17, 2007

Have Access automatically print your reports

Date: October 16th, 2007

Author: Mary Ann Richardson


If you need to print out an Access report by 10:00 every Friday morning, you don’t have to do it manually. Follow these steps to create a macro to print the report and schedule it to automatically run at that time:


  1. Open the database that contains the report.
  2. In the Database window, click Macro Under Objects.
  3. Click the Design button.
  4. Click in the first cell under Commands and select OpenReport.
  5. In the Action Arguments, click the Name Of Report box and select the name of the report you want to schedule.
  6. Save your macro.
  7. Go to Windows Explorer and open the folder where you want to save the macro shortcut.
  8. Right-click the Windows taskbar and click Tile Windows Vertically.
  9. Drag the icon of the macro you created from the Database window to the opened folder on your desktop.
  10. Close both windows.
  11. Click the Start button, click All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Scheduled Tasks.
  12. Double-click Add Scheduled Tasks and then click Next.
  13. cialis 2.5mg Verdana”>Click the Browse button.
  14. Navigate to the folder containing the shortcut to the macro command and select it.
  15. Click Open and then click Next.
  16. Click Daily.
  17. Click the arrows of the Start Time box until you reach 10:00 AM. Click Next.
  18. Enter your password in the Password text box.
  19. Enter your password in the Confirm Password text box and click Next.
  20. Click Finish.


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