January 8, 2008

Winamp 5.51

Are you ready for this? I've got some great news for all you Winamp lovers out there! Yep, back on December 26, 2007, Winamp 5.51 was released and it is now available for download. So, if you're a long time Winamp user (or if you'd like to start using it), you've got to check this out! With all of the updates and changes made to it, Winamp 5.51 is nothing short of amazing. I, myself, have used Winamp for a few years now and I absolutely love what this new version brings to the table. Let's take a look, shall we?!

Now, the list of new features for Winamp 5.51 is much too long for me to go over right here in the newsletter, but I will give you a sneak peek! For starters, this new release includes a completely redesigned interface with a new album art feature. Winamp also now comes with multiple device support, erectile dysfunction cialis which includes MP3 players and iPods. Plus, with an MP3 player, you can even experience surround sound effects. Awesome! Another great new feature is the Media Monitor, which allows you to organize your music into playlists for easy listening. You can also catch up on artist and concert information with the new Smart Search feature.

And that's not even half of it! With Winamp 5.51, you're granted access to thousands of online radio stations and videos. There is also a new feature called Auto-Tagger and it allows you to add automatic updates to your music files. It's just another easy way you can keep all of your music in check. There is also a new Winamp toolbar you can download that enables you to control Winamp right from your Web browser. It doesn't get any easier than that! If you want more, you can see a complete list of the new features on this Web site. Then whenever you're ready to download Winamp 5.51, just visit this link and hit the Download Winamp – Free button. You'll then be on your way to sweet Winamp bliss. Enjoy!

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