May 21, 2008

Mouseless Smart Tags

Do you often find yourself using an MS Office version with smart tags? You know, the little icons that appear in files when the program is offering paste options viagra samples or when the AutoCorrect feature starts making changes.

If you've got them and you use them, you know what I'm talking about.

The real question is: "Do you sometimes avoid using them, because you have to use the mouse to access the options?"

If that's the case, I've got just the thing you need! How about access to the smart tag options without the mouse?

Yeah, I thought you'd like that idea!

With the smart tag still displayed, try Alt + Shift + F10.

Instantly, the menu of options for the smart tag opens.

With the arrow keys, scroll through the options and then hit the Enter key to make your selection.

That's all there is to it. Mouseless smart tags with one simple key combination!

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Control Panel Views

Okay, so I know we've gone over this one before, but a lot of you have been asking about it recently and it seems like many of you are still having trouble with it, so I thought I'd go over it again today. What am I talking about? Well, you may or may not know that the Control Panel on your computer has two different views. That's right, it has a Classic View and a Category View. They're both very different and either one of them can be used for all sorts of things. It's also very easy to switch back and forth between them. Read on!

Let's start with the Classic View. If you choose this particular option, you will see a box that's filled with different icons. They include everything from Accessibility Options to Date and Time to Printers and Faxes to User Accounts and so on. It contains quite a bit more than the Category View does, but it's also an older version of the Control Panel. On the other hand, the Category View is a more condensed version, but it still has everything you could possibly need from the Control Panel.

Now, certain computer techniques require you to be in a particular view and if you're not in the right one, you may run into some trouble. But, like I said earlier, it's very easy to switch between them, so you're never too far from where you need to be. To see how you can do that, go to Start, Control Panel and look in the top left hand corner. There you will see a link that either viagra sales says "Switch to Category View" or "Switch to Classic View." Once you click on that, you will be taken to the Control Panel you need and you can get your work done. It's as easy as pie!

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Down For Everyone or Just Me?

I can’t begin to tell you how much I love this Web site! A lot of the forums I visit on the Internet have bandwidth issues and they go down whenever it's been exceeded. I’ve also run into a few sites that were having server issues or were shut down for construction. Well, with this viagra reviews site, I can now tell if it’s just me having a problem or if the site is down for everyone!

It’s so easy to use! All you have to do is put in the address of the Web site you’re trying to access. By default, they have there as an example.

So, you could put in and see if our site is up or down. If you do it right now, it should tell you we’re up! Another one I check is a game I play that does maintenance on Tuesdays. Now, I'll know as soon as the site comes back up.

If a site is down, you'll see this message: "It’s not just you! (Site’s Name Here) looks down from here!"

If it is just you, you'll see this message: "It’s just you. (Site’s Name Here) is up."

This is such a great tool and I hope you'll get a lot of use out of it!

[Note: I've placed a link for this site in the yellow bar at the page top.]

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RSSFWD: RSS to E-mail

To begin, I'd like to ask you a question: do you have any Web sites you like to visit on a regular basis, but you don't always get to? You know, maybe you don't have enough time or perhaps it's just too inconvenient. If that's the case, how would you like to receive RSS feeds from those sites right in your e-mail? That would make things a little easier, huh?! I mean, with RSS feeds, every morning when you check your e-mail, you'll get updates for your favorite Web sites too, all at the same time. Let's check this out!

1.) First of all, you need to get the RSS feed URL for your favorite Web sites. If you know the site has a feed URL, you can usually find it right on the homepage. If you're not sure or you can't find it, a Google search, such as "[site name] RSS feed," should help you locate it.

2.) Once you've found the RSS link, right click it and choose Copy.

3.) To actually get the feed into your viagra purchase online e-mail, we'll be using a free service called RSSFWD. Now, you'll need to go to their Web site, which can be found here.

4.) The homepage will look a little something like this:

5.) Right click again and choose Paste to lock in the RSS URL you copied earlier. Then click Submit.

6.) Next, enter in your e-mail address. A sample of what your e-mail updates will look like will then be displayed at the bottom of the e-mail.

7.) The next part is very important, so please pay attention! You need to select how you would like your e-mails to be formatted. There are six different options to choose from.

8.) I liked the Digest option the best. With that one, you receive all of the updates in one single e-mail in the morning. That way, your Inbox won't be so crowded with RSS updates. You can select whichever option looks right for you though. When you're finished, press the Subscribe button.

9.) You will then receive a confirmation e-mail.

Just click the confirmation link inside the e-mail and you'll be good to go! The RSSFWD service will start sending you e-mail updates in accordance to the preferences you chose. Enjoy!

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Always Looking for a Shortcut?

Have you recently made the switch over to MS Word 2007? If so, do you miss your custom keyboard shortcuts from previous versions?

Looking for a way to get those back?

No problem!

They're still there, but the route you take to get to them is slightly different.

You either need to get into the Word Options via the Office Button, Customize section or you can right click on the Quick Access Toolbar and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar.

Now, take a look at the bottom of the Options dialogue window. See it?

Yep, that's right. It says "Keyboard shortcuts" with a Customize button. Click it.

You'll now find yourself in a somewhat familiar place. Obviously, there are some changes, such as you're looking through commands that are grouped based on the ribbon where they're found instead of a menu, but the rest is pretty much the same.

Select a category on the left and choose a command from the right.

Click into the "Press new shortcut key" field and then actually press the key combination you're looking to use.

Check the key combination's availability below the "Current keys" box.

If it's listed as unassigned, you have one you can use without consequence.

If it lists something else, that combination is currently in use and you can either find something else that's unassigned or go ahead and assign that one anyway. Keep in mind that whatever was already used will no longer have that shortcut, so make sure it's not something you may need in the future.

When you have something you're ready to use, verify that Normal is selected in the "Save viagra pro in" field (so that it's available in all of your documents) and then click Assign.

There you have it. Keyboard shortcuts done just the way you like them!

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