February 19, 2008

Congressmen Debate Renewal of Warrantless Surveillance Law

After a standoff with House Republicans and President Bush, the Democratic-led House failed to extend a warrantless terrorist eavesdropping program Friday. Congressmen Steny Hoyer, D-Md., and Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., offer two views on the divisive surveillance law.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Legislation authorizing the current Terrorist Surveillance Program is set to expire at midnight. Standing in the way of its renewal is a fight between President Bush and House Democrats over granting immunity to telecom companies already facing some 40 lawsuits for voluntarily cooperating with the program.

The president says without the program intelligence agencies will not get the information they need to track terrorists.

We get two views on the standoff from Congressman Steny Hoyer of Maryland — he is the House majority leader — and Congressman Peter Hoekstra of Michigan. He is the ranking member on the House Select Committee on Intelligence.

Gentlemen, we appreciate your joining us. Thank you very much.

REP. STENY HOYER (D-MD), House Majority Leader: Thank you, Judy.

REP. PETER HOEKSTRA (R), Michigan: Thank you.
Rep. Peter Hoekstra
(R) Michigan 
When this Protect America Act expires, we are going to go back under the same set of rules and regulations that were in place before 9/11.
Surveillance law set to expire
JUDY WOODRUFF: Representative Hoekstra, to you first, do you stand by President Bush's statement that if this legislation is allowed to expire the government won't be able to get information it needs to track terrorists?

REP. PETER HOEKSTRA: Well, the question is not whether it will expire. We know that it will expire. It will expire this weekend. So we will lose important communications methods.

You know, to put this in context, immediately in the aftermath of 9/11, congressional leaders and the administration determined that FISA did not work with the flexibility, the speed, and the agility that we needed to track terrorists.

When this Protect America Act expires, we are going to go back under the same set of rules and regulations that were in place before 9/11. The administration, the current speaker of the House determined that those rules, that legal framework didn't work in 2001.

The dangers to America, our troops and our allies are as great as they were then, and the law will not work now in 2008. It will not work. We will start losing — our capabilities will start eroding. We won't lose everything at once. Our capabilities will erode over the next few weeks.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Representative Hoyer, is that much at stake here?

REP. STENY HOYER: I don't think anything is going to erode. The difference will be that the administration for new authority may have to go to the FISA court, and can get it, and can act before it gets it in an emergency.

But I just simply think Peter Hoekstra, who is a wonderful member of Congress, is wrong on this issue. But more importantly — and I usually don't do this — but let me read from a statement by Ben Powell, yesterday.

Ben Powell, general counsel, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, said this: "Just to make sure there's no misunderstanding, we will not for the directives that are in place, buy cheap generic viagra the expiration of PAA, the Protect America Act, will not then shave back on the surveillance authority under those exact directives."

So in other words, every authority in place under the Protect America Act will continue in being for at least a year, and perhaps as short a time as six months, if the directive was given six months ago.

But the point is — and I want to give the message to any terrorists who think that we're going down — that, in fact, every protection that was in place remains in place. We can vigorously go after the interception of communications harmful to the United States.

We wanted, as you know, Judy, to extend the legislative authority for 21 days. To a person, the Republicans voted against extending an act which they think is critical, which they say is critical to our national security.

The president said he would veto an extension. I can't believe the president would have vetoed legislation which he now says is critical to the protection of the United States. It is a contradictory argument that the Republicans are making.
Rep. Steny Hoyer
Majority Leader 
The Congress's role is to deliberate and pass constitutionally legislation which will protect our country. That's what we intended to do. You wouldn't allow us to do that.
The impact of the law's expiry
JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, we'll come back to you, Representative Hoekstra. What about this statement that Congressman Hoyer just read from the general counsel of the director of national intelligence?

REP. PETER HOEKSTRA: You got to listen to the words very, very closely. And, Steny, you may think I'm wrong, but listen to the words. Listen to the words you read.

It says for any directives under the PAA, they will continue. I'm sorry. This is not a static world; this is a very dynamic world.

The example is, if we find 20 new suicide bombers that left Afghanistan that are going to, you know, do their work in Spain, you may need a new order, and we're not going to have the flexibility, the agility, and the speed to get it done.

Congress should have stayed in this week. We had a bill that passed by a huge bipartisan majority in the Senate that would have enabled us to keep these protections in place.

Congress is about results; it's not about excuses. Going home and letting this law expire is inexcusable. We should be there. We could finish this work and get it done.

The Democrats blocked the Senate bill coming to the floor. That is what has the majority votes in the House of Representatives.

REP. STENY HOYER: Judy, I don't know how long Peter is going to go on, but, Peter, Peter, come on.

REP. PETER HOEKSTRA: This is a fight between the president and Democrats in the House.

REP. STENY HOYER: Peter, I don't want to make this partisan or political, but you and I both know we sent a bill to the Senate three months ago. And, very frankly, your Republican allies in the Senate have been slow-walking it and didn't pass it, their alternative, until Tuesday of this week and presented it to us on Wednesday, and said, "Take it or leave it." That's what the president said.

We said that is not the legislative process. These are very important issues, not only in protecting our citizens, but in protecting our Constitution. And so we said, "Give us 21 days. We'll let the law continue for 21 days that you claim is important to protect America," which we believe you have the authority to do anyway, and I want to get back to that.

But you wouldn't do it. You wouldn't do it because you wanted to demand that we do exactly what the president says. That's not the Congress's role.

The Congress's role is to deliberate and pass constitutionally legislation which will protect our country. That's what we intended to do. You wouldn't allow us to do that.

Let me — Judy, let me add, you know, Peter, as well as I do, in the situation that you just referred to, they can act and get authorization for such actions within the next 72 hours.

So they can act immediately in the situation right now, or on Sunday after the law that you're referring to expires, and without any concern, because they can get authorization from the FISA court under present law.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Representative Hoekstra, what about that…

REP. PETER HOEKSTRA: Steny, they can't do that. They need to establish probable cause. That's why in 2001 … the other leadership said the fairest surveillance program or that FISA did not work. That's why it needs to be modified. What you're describing didn't work in 2001 and will not work beginning next week.

REP. STENY HOYER: Peter, with all due respect…

REP. PETER HOEKSTRA: … because we're going back to that point.
Rep. Peter Hoekstra
(R) Michigan 
The reason the telecommunications companies have to have this immunity is that the administration … went to them and asked them for their voluntary assistance, and they provided it to the U.S. government to keep us safe.
Telecom companies and the law
JUDY WOODRUFF: Gentlemen, I need to interject here, because I do need to come to Majority Leader Hoyer with this question, and that is, why are Democrats, the majority of Democrats in the House, not willing to, in essence, grant this liability protection to the telecom companies who are facing, what, some 40 lawsuits? This really is part of what's at the core of this disagreement.

REP. STENY HOYER: Judy, I think that's a very excellent question. And we have not reached the issue because we are being asked to give immunity or amnesty for conduct that we still do not know the nature of, the character of, the extent of, and that is our problem.

We have been denied the documentation until two weeks ago that the Senate was given months ago by the administration.

The issue, though, is not retrospective immunity for the telecom companies. We can resolve that issue. We wanted to pass — and we did pass — a bill which modernized FISA, as Peter was saying, which allowed the DNI and the intelligence committee to do what it needed to do in a more accelerated fashion, but that was not passed by the Senate.

They passed a bill which had a very controversial provision which needs examination, and we don't yet have the information.

But we believe very strongly that the administration has the authority — and we want to tell terrorists around the country, around the world, we have the authority to intercept your communications now. So don't believe that America is in any way weakened or not vigilant.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Representative Hoekstra, on that point of granting immunity, why should these telecommunications companies be granted this immunity?

REP. PETER HOEKSTRA: Well, number one, this provision was passed by a wide majority in the Senate: 68 senators voted for this, including 27 Democrats. That was a clear bipartisan vote.

The reason the telecommunications companies have to have this immunity is that the administration, with the concurrence of the congressional leadership in 2001, went to them and asked them for their voluntary assistance, and they provided it to the U.S. government to keep us safe.

And now there are those who are willing to throw the telecommunications companies under the bus. It is having a chilling impact on all corporations and other agencies that are in a position where they can voluntarily provide assistance to the government, whether it's in terrorism cases, drug cases, or whatever.

It's having a chilling effect because now the government is willing to say, "You came. We asked for your help. You gave it to us voluntarily. Sorry, we're cutting you off."

Congress, the current speaker of the House, agreed to these provisions. They were aware of what was going on. Now is the time to provide and stand up with these companies who did the right thing to keep America safe.
Rep. Steny Hoyer
Majority Leader 
The reason we asked for a 21-day extension was, when we received the bill on Tuesday night, to have the opportunity to go to conference and discuss that very matter … with the Senate.
Democrats ask for more time

JUDY WOODRUFF: I want to ask Majority Leader Hoyer to respond on that point.

REP. STENY HOYER: Judy, I'll respond to that.

JUDY WOODRUFF: How long will it take to resolve this?

REP. STENY HOYER: Well, I hope not long. As a matter of fact, I met today with the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Senator Rockefeller, Congressman Reyes on the House side, and with Congressman Conyers. Patrick Leahy could not be at that meeting.

We've asked them to reach out to their ranking Republican members, including Peter Hoekstra, who's very knowledgeable on this issue. We have a disagreement.

But we are hoping to move ahead over the next few days, before we get back from this recess, to address these issues, both in terms of Title I, which is the FISA modernization part, as well as the immunity part, in the coming weeks.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And I just need to also ask — I need to cut in here, Mr. Hoyer, and ask you, how do you expect to resolve your differences with those 20-some Democrats in the Senate who voted with the White House on this?

REP. STENY HOYER: Well, I think that clearly they passed a version of the legislation. We ought to have, and the legislative process anticipates, and the founding fathers provided for, a way to reach agreement between the two houses.

The reason we asked for a 21-day extension was, when we received the bill on Tuesday night, to have the opportunity to go to conference and discuss that very matter, Judy, with the Senate. That's the way the legislative process should be conducted.

But the Republicans voted against that extension, notwithstanding the fact they say that puts the country at risk. We don't believe that, but they believe it. They assert it. And notwithstanding that, they voted, in effect, not to extend the present act.

Why did they do so? To try to force us to do something that they thought was the right thing to do, but on which there is great controversy. It's a shame.

REP. PETER HOEKSTRA: So, Steny, why are we home today? Why did we go home on Thursday afternoon? We should have stayed in Washington Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday until this got worked out, because it does weaken our national security.


REP. PETER HOEKSTRA: The president said he was willing to postpone his trip to Africa to work this out.



REP. STENY HOYER: … I'm in Washington. Reyes is in Washington. Conyers is in Washington, and Rockefeller was in Washington. So you're the one that's home.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Gentlemen, we are going to have to leave it there, and we will be following this story into next week.

Representative Hoekstra and Majority Leader Hoyer, thank you both. We appreciate it.

REP. STENY HOYER: Thank you, Judy.


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What all different types of USB connectors are there?

What all different types of USB connectors are there?

That's an excellent question, because most of us have to use a USB port at some point in our everyday computing. Since so many of us now work with computers on a daily basis, it's very likely that we have used a USB connector somewhere along the line. Today, most computers come with two or more USB ports and it's very unusual if your computer doesn't have at least one.

Right now, there are four main types of USB connectors: Type A, Type B, Mini-A and Mini-B. All of these types are supported by USB 1x and USB 2x. Let's go over what these different connectors do in relation to what you do with your USB ports. Here we go!

Type A

This type is known as the host connector and it is also sometimes referred to as the downstream connector. This is the one you usually plug in to the ports on your CPU or into a USB hub. It's usually rectangular in shape as well.

Type B

This connector is mainly used for the different devices that can be plugged in to a port. This one is also known as the upstream connector and it is the one that attaches directly to the end of a device (whether that be a brand viagra without prescription digital camera, a printer, a mouse or keyboard, etc). A Type B connector is usually box shaped.


This type of connector was designed to connect with mobile devices. This one can be used without a computer and it can be used with most mobiles, big and small.


This connector was designed when the "USB creators" found out the original connector for USB 2.0 ports was too big for certain devices, such as a PDA or a cell phone. So, in the end, this one was created for those of you who want to take advantage of the USB PC connectivity that is available with those smaller devices.

There you have it! The basics of the different types of USB connectors. So, tell me, which type do you use the most?!

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February 14, 2008

Creating a Password Reset Disk

We have now covered resetting your password in both Windows XP and Vista, so today, I thought we'd work on tying everything together. And in the process of doing that, we’ll make sure you never need to reset your password again! That's right, we will be creating a password reset disk you can use whenever you forget your password. All you have to do is put the disk into your computer and when you see the Welcome screen, simply choose your new password. Sounds pretty helpful and timesaving, don’t you think? Then let's get to it!

Note: This will only work if you have a floppy drive or a USB flash drive.

1.) First, I’ll show you how to create a password disk for Windows XP.

2.) Click on your Start button and select the Control Panel.

3.) Next, select User Accounts.

4.) Click on your account.

In the window that appears, look to the left sidebar.

5.) Click the "Prevent a forgotten password" option.

6.) Now, the Forgotten Password Wizard will open. Insert your floppy disk or flash best viagra prices drive and click Next.

7.) Next, type in your current Windows XP user account password and select Next.

8.) Your disk will then be created within seconds!

9.) Now, just finish up the wizard and voila! You now have a new password reset disk.

10.) Be sure to label it Password Reset and keep it in a safe place.

Now, in case you ever do forget your password, all you need to do is this:

1.) On the Welcome screen, click on your username and then hit Enter.

2.) A message will then appear, asking you to put in your password reset disk or flash drive.

3.) Next, click the link that says "Use your password reset disk."

4.) The Password Reset Wizard will then open up again. Just follow the instructions for creating a new password.

5.) And you know what the best part is? You don’t even have to create another password reset disk. The same one will work the next time you forget your password (if there ever is a next time!)

The steps are extremely similar for Windows Vista. Here they are:

1.) To access the Forget Password Wizard, go to Start, Control Panel.

2.) Click on User Accounts and then select your account.

3.) On the left pane, choose "Create a password reset disk." Everything else is the same!

This one's a definite must have for all computer users. Enjoy!

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Let Word 2003/2002 AutoText speed up your e-mail responses

Date: February 12th, 2008

Author: Mary Ann Richardson

If you find yourself copying the same paragraphs into your e-mail responses — for example, the same words to send out responses to confirm a customer’s appointment — you don’t have to compose each e-mail reply individually or copy and paste text from a previous e-mail. Here’s how to create an AutoText button in Word that will insert the text you need into your e-mail message automatically — all you need do is customize it and send. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the last e-mail you sent confirming a customer appointment.
  2. Select and copy the text that you would like to use in subsequent e-mails.
  3. Open a blank document in Word.
  4. Paste the text you copied to the Word document.
  5. Select the text you copied.
  6. Go to Insert | AutoText, best viagra alternative then click New.
  7. Click in the Please Name Your Autotext Entry text box and enter Appointment Confirmation. Click OK.
  8. Go to Tools | Customize.
  9. Click the Toolbars tab and then click the New button.
  10. In the Toolbar Name text box, type Client E-mails and then click OK.
  11. In the Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab.
  12. Scroll through the Categories list, then click New Menu.
  13. Scroll through the Commands list and click and drag New Menu onto the Client E-mails toolbar.
  14. Right-click New Menu in the Client E-mails toolbar.
  15. Click in the Name area and type E-mail AutoText.
  16. In the Customize dialog box, in the Categories list, click AutoText.
  17. Click in the Commands list and click and drag the Appointment Confirmation entry onto the E-mail AutoText menu.
  18. Close the dialog box.

To include the text in your message, rather than send it as an attachment, change Word Options as follows:

  1. Go to Tools | Options.
  2. On the General tab, clear the Mail As Attachment check box.

Now, to create your confirmation e-mail, follow these steps:

  1. Open a new Word document.
  2. Click the Appointment Confirmation menu in the Client E-mails toolbar.
  3. Make any other changes to the document.
  4. Go to File | Send To: Mail Recipient.
  5. A new e-mail window will open with the text of your document in the message. Fill out the rest of the e-mail, then click Send.
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February 13, 2008

Arista v. Does 1-21: What’s at Stake for the Rest of Us

If it wasn't bad enough that the Recording Industry Association of America's (RIAA) lawsuits against file-sharers are futile, unfair, and immoral, the RIAA is also beginning to distort the law. In many of these cases, the recording industry is urging judges to accept controversial legal theories on the proper way to bust file sharers. It's not clear whether this is a tactical effort to cut legal corners to save money, or a strategic effort to build lower court precedents for use in other cases.

Either way, these are frequently extremely unfair fights (such as in Atlantic v. Howell, where the defendant can't even afford a lawyer), and thus bad vehicles for making controversial new law. The judges simply aren't hearing both sides.

EFF is trying to do something about that.

EFF filed an amicus brief in Arista v. Does 1-21, a case against 21 Boston University students whose identities are being sought through a subpoena to the university. One of the anonymous students filed a motion to quash the subpoena, which is now pending before Judge Gertner in Boston. EFF's brief in Arista v. Does 1-21 focuses on two issues that have been the subject of several EFF briefs in the past: First Amendment protection for anonymous speech and clarifications between "distribution" and "making available" in the filesharing context.

For the amicus brief filed best place to buy viagra by EFF in Arista v. Does 1-21:


For the EFF report "RIAA v. the People: Four Years Later":


For this complete post by EFF Senior Staff Attorney Fred von Lohmann:


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