February 4, 2009

Revo Uninstaller

One thing I can't stand is having a computer full of programs that I don't use anymore! Extra programs on a computer do nothing but slow it down. That's why it's a good idea to go through your system every once in awhile and uninstall programs you don't use anymore.

Usually, uninstalling is done by going to your system's Control Panel and opening the Add/Remove Programs section (listed as Programs in Vista). That way works just fine most of the time, but sometimes it just doesn't cut it. The other day, that type of problem happened to me. I was trying to uninstall a program and it just wouldn't come out. There were leftover files and registry entries all over the place. Because of that, I started looking for a program that would fix my problem.

What I found is called Revo Uninstaller. Revo Uninstaller is a free program that accurately and safely removes unwanted, stubborn programs from your computer. It begins by making a system restore point, which is great, because if anything goes wrong, it can be undone. Next, it runs the regular uninstaller for the program you want to remove. After that's completed, it will do one buying cialis without a prescription of two things. If you choose the Safe uninstall, it will show you the leftover files and registry lines and allow you to delete them yourself. If you choose the Moderate uninstall, it will do everything for you.

I chose the Moderate option and didn't run into any issues. However, choosing the Safe method gives you more control over the uninstall. So, the choice is yours!

When it comes to uninstallers, this program is great. You can download the Revo Uninstaller for yourself right here. Enjoy!

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Find and Run Robot

Many people out there would say that Windows XP's search feature isn't anything to be desired. And I would have to agree. Also, many people would say it's hard to find a program via your All Programs menu. I would also agree with that statement.

Well, all of those difficulties can be solved with a free download called the Find and Run Robot. Its little box allows you to quickly type what you're looking buy cialis generic for and simply click to launch! For example, I installed the Find and Run Robot and then typed in "Windows Update." The Robot found the Windows Update application the moment I stopped typing. I clicked on it and had my system updated immediately!

If you have a lot of stuff on your computer, you should try the Find and Run Robot. It's easy to install and very easy to use. You can download the Find and Run Robot for yourself right here. Enjoy!

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If you've ever thought about blogging, but haven’t done it because it seems too confusing to get started, I sure hope you'll give Kontain a try! I’ve switched to it from where I was blogging before, because it's so easy to use!

To get started, you’ll need to sign up. Click on the Sign Up button to begin the registration process. Next, you’ll be asked to create a username, provide an e-mail address and create a password. Then simply check the box after reading the Terms of Use and click on the Sign Up button once more. Then just provide 5mg cialis generic them with your gender and birth date and click on Let’s Go!

You have 15 days to activate your account with the confirmation e-mail they send to the e-mail address you provided. You can start customizing your profile or adding an entry right away. Just don’t forget to activate your account at some point.

In your profile, you can add your name, location and a little bit about you. At the top of the page, you can add an entry to your blog by clicking on the Create Entry button.

That takes you to the entry page where you'll title your entry, add media (video, photos and audio) if you want and write up your entry. When you're finished, go ahead and click on the Publish Entry button and just like that, you’ve posted your first blog entry!

On the Features page, you can take a nice tour of what you can do with a blog here at Kontain. They’re working on adding more features for the future as well. It's a very smooth blogging setup that's so easy to use, it's definitely worth giving a try.

Also, if you don’t like it, you can always go to your account settings and delete your account with the Delete Account option. I think you’ll love this Web site. I know I do!


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System Tray

As you may recall, we have mentioned the term "system tray" in several of our tips, but we've never really explained exactly what it is. I guess I assumed most computer users know what where to buy cialis online it is, but I must be wrong, because several of you have e-mailed me about it within the last few weeks. So, I want to take this time to apologize for never writing a tip on it before. It should have been covered way back in the very beginning. But hopefully I'll make up for lost time today. Let's check it out!

Okay, so what is the system tray? Basically, the system tray is located at the very bottom of your desktop in the taskbar (the long bar that runs all the way across your desktop). If you look along the taskbar, you'll see some icons in the Quick Launch area, then you have some open space for any applications you have open and then on the very far right, you'll see where the system tray sits.

The system tray contains the clock icon, the volume icon and various other icons, depending on what all you have installed on your computer. Usually, your antivirus program icon will be there, it's where your printer icon shows up, your modem icon is there, the safely remove hardware icon sits there and so on. If you need to use any of the items in your system tray, all you have to do is double click on the icons and the programs will open. So, as you can see, the system tray is home to a lot of important applications on your PC. And now you know all about it. Yes!

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Active ISO Burner

Have you ever come across online prescription cialis a file ending in .iso? If you have, I'm sure you were able to figure out what it was and how to use it, right? Or, if not, you soon will! ISO files are quickly becoming the new way to deliver a CD's content through a download. For example, if you download any of the new Microsoft Office programs over the Internet, you will be sent an ISO file. They are very nice for transporting data as well. I mean, they allow a company to send you an entire CD's worth of data in one single file. It doesn't get any better than that!

Now that you know more about ISO files, I'll get to the point! How do you turn an ISO file into a CD? That's one question that came across my desk today. And luckily, I have found a free download that makes turning an ISO file into a CD very quick and easy. The program is called Active ISO Burner. Simply download and install the program and the next time you come across an ISO file, just open Active ISO Burner and drag the ISO file you downloaded into the window that appears. After that, just insert a blank disk into your computer and click Burn. It really is that easy!

You can download Active ISO Burner for yourself right here. Enjoy!

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