October 5, 2008

Working with Photos using IrfanView

Techtips - 186

By Scott Nesbitt – Sunday, September 21, 2008

TT186 - PullQuoteManipulating your photos takes a bit of patience and the right software. But what software is right for you? If you’re the average person with a cheap digital camera, then something like Photoshop will be overkill for your needs.

Sometimes, you find that little piece of software that packs a lot into a small space. When it comes to working with graphics – and photos – that software is IrfanView. While billed as an image viewer, IrfanView has some pretty good tools for working with photos.


What is IrfanView?

IrfanView started life as a fast, flexible, and compact Windows graphics viewer. It did that job remarkably well – IrfanView can display a couple of dozen common (and not so common) image formats. As IrfanView got older, its developer added a number of useful features to it.

One of these features is support for plugins which extend IrfanView’s capabilities. These additional capabilities include the ability to view even more image formats, to transfer files using FTP, burn slideshows to a CD, play various media files, and even use some Photoshop plugins.

Thanks to the array of plugins, IrfanView is one of the best image applications around. And it does a good job at basic photo manipulation, too.


Getting IrfanView

That’s pretty simple. Just go to the IrfanView Web site and download the installer. Once it’s on your hard drive, it only takes a few seconds – the installer weighs in at just over a megabyte – double-click the installer and follow the prompts. proscar propecia The installation is lightening fast.

Then, download the plugins. There are four archives available; I’d suggest getting them all. To install them, just extract the archives the IrfanView plugins folder: C:\Program Files\IrfanView\Plugins. And you’re ready to go.

Working with photos

While IrfanView’s selection of image editing tools is limited when compared to Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro, you’ll find most (if not all) of the functions that you need including:

  • Cropping

  • Rotating and straightening

  • Working with thumbnails and creating Web albums

  • Enhancing photos with effects

Cropping photos

There’s always a photo that contains something or someone that you don’t want in it. Or, you’ve scanned a picture and there’s too much of a border. Cropping enables you to cut out those elements, and still have a decent photo.

Load up a photo in IrfanView by selecting File > Open and then choosing a photo that’s on your hard drive. Then, use your mouse to select the portion of the photo that you want to keep. From there, select Edit > Crop selection. The offending bits vanish. Don’t forget to save your changes, though.

The only drawback to this function is that you can only select a square. You can’t do fancy, freehand selections.


Resizing a photo

If you’ve ever downloaded a photo off of a digital camera, you’ll have probably noticed that it’s quite large. Sometimes, you want your photo to be small. When? For example, when you want to send it by email, or post it to your family Web site, or transfer it to your cell phone or PDA.

To shrink a photo, select Image > Resize/Resample. You have a number of options for resizing your photos.

First, you can change the height and width by specifying a particular number of pixels or a percentage of the photo’s original size. If you go this route (and it’s the easiest way to do the job), the make sure that the Preserve aspect ratio option is checked. When you change one dimension, that option ensures that the other dimension is proportionally changed so that the image doesn’t appear distorted.

If you plan to use the photo as desktop wallpaper, you can select one of a dozen standard screen resolutions. The available resolutions range (measured in pixels) from 640×480 to 1920×1080.

Finally, you can shrink the photo by 50% by clicking the Half button.

Rotating and straightening a photo

Just as some photos contain superfluous detail that you want to cut out, sometimes, a photo is a bit off kilter. Or it comes to you rotated in a strange way; you either have to twist your head or your monitor around to view it properly.

If you just need to flip an image around, select Image > Rotate Left or Image > Rotate Right. This will turn the photo at 90 degree increments.

On the other hand, if you need finer control then select Image > Custom/Fine Rotation. This enables you to rotate the image at an angle ranging from -360 degrees to 360 degrees. You can make the rotation as fine as 0.01 degrees.

Working with thumbnails and creating Web albums

Most of use have folders full of images on our hard drives. It can be difficult to open a particular file in IrfanView if you don’t remember the exact name of a file. Thumbnails, little snapshots of those images, help.

To view thumbnails, select File > Thumbnails. The thumbnail viewer opens. From there, navigate to the folder that contains the images that you want to view. The thumbnails appear in the window. Just double-click on an image to open it in an IrfanView window for editing.

So, what can you do with thumbnails? How about turn them into an album that you can post on the Web. To do that, highlight the images that you want to add to the album and then select File > Save selected files as HTML. IrfanView will copy the original photos, the thumbnails, and a set of Web pages to a directory on your hard drive (by default, C:\temp). To view the album, just open the file Thumbnails.html in a Web browser.


Enhancing photos with effects

Remember when I recommended that you download and install all of IrfanView’s plugins? Well, I had a good reason for that. And not just to fill up your hard drive with useless software. Some of the plugins can add interesting effects to your photographs.

To use the filters, select Image > Effects > Effects Browser. IrfanView has 36 effects that range from the useful to the whimsical to some that will leave you scratching your head wondering why they exist.

Some of the more useful effects are Blur (which lets you soften a photo), Sharpen (which eliminates some distortion), Sepia (to give your photos an old-fashioned feel), and Oil Paint (which makes a photo look like an oil painting).

You have fine control with these effects. The Effects Browser window includes a slider that enables you to control the degree to which the effect is applied to the photo. There’s also a real time preview that lets you see the result of applying the effect before you commit to it. When you’re ready, just click Apply to original image.


Other features

If all that wasn’t enough, IrfanView has a number of other features too. It does a decent job of reducing red eye, you can adjust colors or convert a photo to grayscale, and even take snapshot of your screen. IrfanView also has some very basic paint functions. You can draw using a paintbrush; erase bits of an image; add arrows, lines, or text; and even fill areas with color. Not bad for such a little program.

One function that I’ve found useful is IrfanView’s ability to convert images in other formats. You can save individual images in different formats, or do the job in bulk. The process is fast, and it generally produces good results.



After spending a little while with IrfanView, you’ll discover that it’s more than just an image viewer. It’s also a great tool for manipulating photos, or just about any other image. While you won’t be able to do a lot of detailed photo cleanup with IrfanView, it’s more than up to the task of doing all the basic photo editing that you need.

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September 30, 2008

Google Chrome – Cons

Now that you've told us some pros for Google Chrome, what are the cons? Please share!

I promised you I would, so here you go. The top seven cons for Google Chrome are listed below!


1.) Google Chrome is still a beta version. You all probably propecia women know by now that beta means the program is still being tested. This is the first version of Google Chrome to ever be released, so it's still being tested and problems are bound to pop up. It's just something to keep in mind!

2.) Google Chrome has no add ons. If you're a big Firefox fan, you probably use your add ons regularly, but you won't be able to do the same in Google Chrome. I'm sure some will be added in the future, but for right now, no add ons are available.

3.) Google Chrome isn't synched up. Again, if you use Firefox, you know you can synchronize it to be the same on any computer you may use from time to time. That makes it very easy to keep all your data straight. Unfortunately, that feature is not yet available in Google Chrome, so you'll need to remember that as well.

4.) Google Chrome isn't quite up to standard. If you think you're going to see the exact same things in Google Chrome that you see in Firefox or Internet Explorer, you're in for a disappointment. You'll see a difference in the text formatting and several other features.

5.) Google Chrome may share your information with advertisers. Google is known for giving certain information to advertisers and then bombarding you with ads while you're using their search engine. Well, the same goes for Google Chrome. Google will be in control of your browsing experience and let's face it, that might not be something you want to deal with all the time.

6.) Google Chrome dropped the drop down bar. Instead of the usual drop down box you're used to seeing for all your recently visited Web sites, you're now forced to use the new Omnibox feature. I told you all about the Omnibox yesterday and while it's a good idea, you're probably going to miss the drop down box a little more than you may think!

7.) Google Chrome takes away your history. Do you like to sometimes go back through your history and see what all you've done on your computer? Well, you're not going to be able to do that with Google Chrome. Instead, you'll only get a day by day report.

Well, there you go. We've now covered the good and the bad when it comes to the new Google Chrome Web browser. I know both sides hold a good argument, so now you just need to decide if you're going to start using it or not. It may or may not be worth a try. Either way, happy browsing!

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Google Chrome – Pros

Can you maybe give us a list of pros and cons for Google Chrome? Thanks!

Great idea! I know there has been a lot of hype the past couple of weeks about the new Web browser from Google called Google Chrome. Yes, it's great to finally have a browser from Google, but along with the excitement, people are having some reservations. So, yes, the best thing to do is put together a list of pros and cons for the browser and you all can decide for yourselves. We're going to start with the pros today and we'll then go over the cons in tomorrow's newsletter. Okay, let's get busy!


1.) Google Chrome will not crash. Everything within the browser runs on its own, so you won't have to deal with bad Web sites or browser crashes. That also adds a little more security, because it isolates everything into its own environment.

2.) Google Chrome is really fast. Again, since everything works on its own, one slow Web site won't drag the rest of your work down. You can just go to another tab or window and be on your way!

3.) Google Chrome is unnoticeable (in a good way!) The interface for Google Chrome is perfectly streamlined, so you won't even know you're in a Web browser. Most of your window space is devoted to the Web site you're visiting, so there are no big buttons, etc. taking up all your room.

4.) Google Chrome makes searching easier. One of the main features in Google Chrome is Omnibox, which is basically an all-purpose bar located at the top of the browser that you can use to search for something or to find a Web site. All you have to do is type in a URL or a search term and it will do the rest of the work for you. Omnibox also remembers the sites you've visited and suggests others you might like.

5.) Google Chrome gives you more tab control. Tabbed browsing is taken to the next level with Google Chrome. You can drag and drop your tabs, you can combine them together, you can set up your own configurations and so much more!

6.) Google Chrome livens up your homepage. The Google Chrome homepage is very dynamic and like I said before about the Omnibox feature, it will remember the Web sites you've been to so that you can revisit them with ease. It also compiles a list of your favorite top nine sites and displays them on the homepage. Of course, you can change your top nine at any time, but that's just another example of how Google Chrome makes your life easier!

7.) Google Chrome keeps you private. Along with everything else, Google Chrome also offers a private browsing option. It's called Incognito and it basically sets up a browsing area for you that is away from everything else on your computer. You get your own private window to search with, which keeps your information as private as possible.

Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?! I know we haven't gotten into the cons for Google Chrome yet, propecia wholesale but the seven pros above will give you something to think about before tomorrow's edition of the newsletter. We'll delve right into the cons first thing tomorrow, so be sure to stay tuned!

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More on Google Chrome

I know we talked a little about this yesterday, but here's some more information about Google Chrome for you!

As you have heard, Google has finally designed and built a Web browser of its own. And like all Google products, it's different, yet unique. This past Monday (September 1, 2008), Google announced in their blog that they would be releasing their new open source Web browser, titled Google Chrome, on September 2, 2008 in over 100 countries.

Since we spend a majority of our time on the Internet searching, chatting, e-mailing and communicating, instead of just viewing simple text pages, Google decided to create a Web browser focused on graphical, interactive Web sites and Web based applications. “What we really needed was not just a browser, but also a modern platform for Web pages and applications. And that's what we set out to build,” stated the Google blog.

With the release of Google Chrome, other browsers, such as Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera will now have some major competition, which might cause the other browsers to introduce new features that rival Google Chrome. Internet Explorer 7 holds about 73 percent of the Web browser market, according to Net Applications. So, if Google wants to take a piece of that away from Microsoft, they have a major battle ahead of them!

Google even released a comic book, drawn by Scott McCloud, that introduces the features of Google Chrome. The comic book is available here if you're propecia tabs interested in seeing it. By starting from scratch and building their own foundation, Google hopes their browser will eventually dominate the market. The new Web browser has already been released for Windows and versions for Mac OS and Linux are on the way.

Give Google Chrome a try for yourself today!

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Google’s Own Web Browser

Just when you thought you had the latest and greatest in Web browsers, along comes another one that changes the competition completely!

I'm talking about the brand new Web browser made by Google, called Google Chrome.

Google Chrome was released on Tuesday (September 2, 2008) as a beta edition and it has already caught the attention of many Web users.

The new browser has so many features, but it's so simple to use! One of my favorite features is the address/search box at the top of the page. Until now, every other browser has had two boxes: one for searching and one for addresses. But Google Chrome combines them. Just type what you want in to the one box you see and it automatically knows what to look for. Cool, huh?!

Another great feature is the independent tabs. Have you ever been using multiple tabs on your browser and the whole thing crashed on you? Everything was lost and it was such a pain to fix! Well, with Google Chrome, if one tab stops working, you can close it out and not lose a thing!

There are so many features, there's no way I could list them all here. I say if you're looking to improve your Web browsing experience, try Google Chrome for yourself. When you install it, you will be given a full page of tutorials that show you how to use everything involved.

You can download Google Chrome for yourself right here. propecia symptoms Enjoy!

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