October 22, 2007

Is Comcast Jamming Users’ BitTorent and Gnutella Traffic?

Last week, the Associated Press reported that Comcast is interfering with users' ability to run file-sharing applications over its network.

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We spoke to Comcast last month and understood them to deny that they are doing this, so we've been running our own tests.


On Friday, we posted about some experiments showing that Comcast is forging packets in order to interfere with its customers' use of BitTorrent. There have been reports of strange things happening with other protocols, and we've been running some tests on two other file transfers protocols in particular — HTTP (which is used by the World Wide Web) and Gnutella. Comcast has also been strenuous in telling us, "We don't target BitTorrent". Perhaps not.

Perhaps what they're doing is even worse.


Read the AP report:



Read what EFF's technologists discovered in the complete




For our previous post:


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